Chapter 75 : "I feel... nothing."

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Ibrahim stirred as he felt a cool sensation on his forehead. He gradually opened his eyes to find Ava tending to him with a damp cloth. His gaze met hers, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth, not just from the cloth but from her caring presence. Ibrahim felt like he was in the embrace of heaven, and Ava, with her attentive care, seemed like an angel tending to him.

Noticing Ibrahim's wakefulness, Ava couldn't hide her relief, "You woke up? Thank God. I called you so many times, but you didn't give a single response."

Ibrahim smiled despite the effects of the fever, "Getting worried for me, aren't you?"

Ava tried to deflect, "I was just... taking care of you."

Her attempt at nonchalance only fueled Ibrahim's amusement. He hadn't anticipated that Ava would care for him in such a way, and it struck him as a refreshing change.

Ava changed the damp cloth and shifted her attention to the thermometer. She checked Ibrahim's temperature with care, her brows furrowing slightly. "You need to take your medicine. It's 102.9°."

Closing his eyes once more, Ibrahim insisted, "I'm okay. A simple fever won't weaken me."

"Yes, you're strong, but taking medicine will make you feel better. Your temperature was higher earlier." Ava voiced her concern.

But Ibrahim didn't respond to Ava. He kept his eyes closed. "Won't you listen to me?" She questioned.

Ibrahim sighed and opened his eyes. He decided to playfully remind Ava of their shared moments. "Today, you're talking so freely though I kissed you last night, but however I remember you couldn't make eye contact me after the rooftop kiss. Interesting." 

His words were laced with a mischievous charm that only seemed to add to Ava's vexation. She was taken aback and simultaneously angered by his comment, "I shouldn't have bothered taking care of you. Would've been better if you suffered through the day with your fever."

Ibrahim observed her as she stood from the floor and moved to sit on the corner of the bed. He found her anger cute and couldn't resist the charm of her fiery spirit.

Sitting on the sofa where he had slept, Ibrahim noticed the medicine and water bottle. He took the medicine and, after a moment, approached Ava. She was gazing at the window, which offered a view nothing but of the plain white wall of the next building. 

Kneeling beside her, he gently held both of her hands and asked, "Did I make you angry?"

Ava looked at him and mockingly replied, "Nope, you don't just make me angry. You make me frustrated, surprised, and there's one beautiful quality you have – asking for permission right before doing something at the last moment, then blaming me for enjoying whatever you've done. Huh."

"Isn't he right? Don't you enjoy it?" Ibrahim asked. 

Ava maintained her stance, "I don't enjoy."

Ibrahim shifted to sit beside her on the bed, his dark eyes searching hers as he inquired, "Then tell me, what do you feel when I kiss you?"

Ava felt momentarily dumbfounded by his question. Internally, she questioned why he was asking such things.

Pulling her hand from his grip, Ava hesitated before responding, "I feel... nothing."

But Ibrahim refused to accept her straightforward denial. "No, I can't believe that."

Ava averted her gaze, "There's nothing like that."

With a playful smirk, Ibrahim remarked, "You're a terrible liar, Ava. Your eyes say something different."

Ava denied again, "Stop making assumptions. It's just a kiss."

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