Chapter 45 : Behaving so good? It's questionable.

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Sophia's anger simmered as she confronted Rafi in their bedroom. The air was thick with tension, and the accusations hung heavily between them. 

Sofia was a model and Rafi's wife. And at the age of 40 she was a timeless beauty. With fire in her eyes, Sophia pointed an accusatory finger at Rafi. "How could you do this to me, Rafi? You cheated on me!"

"Sophia, listen, I didn't cheat on you. It's not what you think." Rafi protested.

Sophia crossed her arms, disbelief etched across her face. "Don't lie to me, Rafi. I saw you with her."

Rafi ran his hands through his hair, frustration evident on his face. "Sophia, it's not that simple. Ibrahim was involved. Someone spiked my drink at the party. I woke up next to her, and I have no idea how it happened."

"Oh, please! You expect me to believe that? I've seen you with her before. This is not the first time!" Sofia's anger increased. 

"Sophia, I swear, I have no idea about those times. It's Ibrahim's doing. He's trying to ruin us." Rafi was trying to make her understand. 

Sophia scoffed, "Really, Rafi? You're blaming Ibrahim now? How convenient."

Rafi pleaded, "Sophia, you have to believe me. I love you, and I would never do something like this intentionally."

Sophia paced the room, "Love? Actions speak louder than words, Rafi. I can't believe you'd bring shame to our marriage like this."

"Sophia, we can get through this. I need you to trust me. It's all a setup." All of Rafi's efforts were going in vain. 

Sophia shook her head, "How can I trust you when I've seen you with that woman multiple times? Don't insult my intelligence, Rafi."

Rafi sighed, "Yes, Sophia, I was with her in the past, but it's old. It's over. I love you, and I'd never willingly hurt you." 

"You were cheating on me all this time, Rafi?" Sofia snapped. 

"I made mistakes in the past, but I've changed. I want to make things right between us." Rafi pleaded again. 

"I can't believe I trusted you. You betrayed me, Rafi. How could you do this to our marriage?" She was unmoved. 

"I'm begging you to listen, Sofia. I love you, and I regret every mistake I've made." Rafi tried to reach her out. 

"Regret won't change the past. You've shattered my trust. I can't do this anymore. I want a divorce." Sofia retorted.

"Sophia, please, we can work through this. I can change. I'll do anything to fix our marriage." The panic settled inside Rafi. 

"No, Rafi. I won't be part of this charade any longer. I deserve better." Sofia replied. 

"Sophia, think about my political career. I'll join in Politics soon. A divorce will ruin everything I've worked for." Rafi tried. 

Sophia scoffed, "Your political career? That's all you care about? What about my reputation? I won't let it be dragged through the mud because of your mistakes."

"Sophia, please don't do this. We can find another way. I'll do whatever it takes to make it right." Rafi implored. 

"I've heard that before, Rafi. I won't let myself be deceived again. I won't let my personal life be dictated by public opinion. I'll go to court if I have to. I won't let my reputation and career be tarnished because of your mistakes." Sofia remained steadfast.


The rhythmic sound of raindrops echoed through the room. It was raining from the morning. The overcast sky painted a dreary backdrop to the day. And Ava buried herself in her studies. But Ava found herself struggling against drowsiness as she read her notes on the bed. There were no study desk in the bedroom so she had to read on bed. She murmured to herself Ibrahim should add a study desk and chair for her. 

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