Chapter 18 : Result of flirting with my wife.

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Farah lay on her back, gazing at the ceiling as her thoughts spiraled into a labyrinth of questions and doubts. 

"Two bouquets," she muttered to herself, thinking back to the days when Ava received those mysterious flowers. Were those sent by Ibrahim Rahman or that was someone else? Farah wondered.

And when Elara had detected the faint scent of a man's cologne in Ava's room. Could this scent have belonged to Ibrahim or someone else? But why hadn't Ava confided in her best friend, someone Ava had shared her secrets with for years? They had shared secrets of each other about everything. 

Then Ava's sudden disappearance from home had further deepened the mystery. Farah wondered whether Ava had genuinely run away. "Did she really run away?" Farah mumbled. It all seemed surreal, like something out of a movie.

Farah was so tensed this days that she couldn't bring herself to attend the ceremony. If she had attended, Farah would have undoubtedly unleashed her fury at Ava for keeping such a significant part of her life secret. But in the silence of her room, she couldn't help but feel that there was more to the story than met the eye.

While lost in her thoughts, Farah's phone chimed, indicating a new message. She picked up her phone and saw a message from Elara. It read, "Come to my apartment, in an hour and bring your laptop."


Ibrahim couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy when he came to know that Ava hadn't informed him of her shopping needs but had instead sent a list to Faisal. Determined to play a more active role in providing for her, he decided to take Ava shopping for the items she needed. 

He watched Ava as she browsed through the items on the shelves while standing near the counter. He wasn't wearing suits as other day, instead he had opted for a more casual look that day, wearing an off-white t-shirt and blue jeans.

A satisfied smile graced his lips as he observed Ava's every move. He couldn't help but admire her long, jet-black hair captivated him anew everyday, it felt like he was falling in love with her more and more.

The shop they entered was a familiar one for Ava. She had been a regular customer for years and had developed a good relationship with the shop owner over the years.

The aged owner was sitting behind the counter asked Ibrahim, "When did you two get married?" 

Ibrahim turned toward the owner and replied, "Just yesterday."

The owner nodded in approval. "Ava is a sweet girl. I've known her since she was 12 years old. She used to come here every day with her elder brother to buy a pen."

Ibrahim engaged in a conversation with the owner. He was looking like a normal person, but soon her normal behaviour was going to break.

While Ava was selecting some pens, a male customer approached her with an overly confident grin. 

The man leaned against a nearby shelf and said with a cheesy tone, "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes? I must say, this place just got a hundred times more beautiful since you walked in."

Ava glanced at the man and replied with a stern tone, "I suggest you mind your own business and not disturb me." 

The flirty customer seemed taken aback by Ava's direct response. He mumbled something under his breath and reluctantly backed away, heading for the exit.

Little did he know, Ibrahim had been observing the entire encounter. His possessiveness flared. And a storm was brewing in his eyes. His face was a visible display of anger. Ibrahim also left the store after the man and started to follow him. He was not one to let such incidents slide, especially when it involved his wife.

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