Chapter 23: Did I get married to an old man

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Six days had passed since the fateful evening when Ava and Ibrahim's world had been rocked by an unexpected kiss. Ibrahim had distanced himself from his home, almost as if it had ceased to exist. Office to Guest house and Guest house to office became his everyday routine. Days blurred into nights as he spent countless hours gazing at a picture of Ava. It was so hard for him to live away from Ava. He felt so guilty for kissing Ava without her permission.

On the other hand, Ava's life within The Rahman Mansion had been gradually adjusting to a normalcy. Her connection with Aliya and Samir had grown stronger, and their moments of togetherness brought her comfort. And Faisal's occasional visits added more warmth to her days.

It wasn't that Ava was trying to adapt to her new family but rather, she sought solace in their company. Whenever she was alone often led her thoughts to wander to the unwanted memory of the day Ibrahim had kissed her. She needed distractions to keep her mind from dwelling on those moments.

The evenings grew darker. And as Ibrahim was not coming nowadays, Ava was using the bed. Pages scattered around her, and in the center, she diligently worked on her assignments. She was busy with her assignment after coming back from university.

A knock on her door interrupted her focus. Ava said, "Come in."

Faisal entered, holding two cups of coffee, and inquired, "Hello, sister, are you busy?"

Ava glanced at Faisal and the coffee cups. She replied, "Hi, I'm just working on my assignment."

Faisal suggested, "Want to take a break, sister? Let's go to the roof. I've made coffee for both of us."

Ava agreed, nodding, "Okay, let's go."

They walked up to the roof together, carrying the cups of coffee. The gentle breeze on the roof played with Ava's long hair, causing it to sway gracefully as she stood near the railing, gazing at the night sky.

Farah sat on the chair and curiously asked, "Ava, do you like having long hair?"

Ava took a sip of her coffee and replied, "Yes, I do like long hair."

Faisal added, "Ibrahim likes your hair too."

Ava's attention shifted from the stars to Faisal as she heard those words. Startled, she said, "What? I'm planning to cut my hair tomorrow."

Faisal raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why would you do that?"

Ava sipped her coffee again before explaining, "I don't want to have anything that Ibrahim likes."

Faisal chuckled and said, "Dear Ava, I don't know what's happening between you and Ibrahim, but I'm pretty sure Ibrahim isn't coming home because he can't face you after his wrongdoings."

Faisal paused for a moment before continuing, "Ibrahim has gone through many tragedies. Please try to treat him nicely. He really cares about you. Accept him, Ava."

Ava, deep in thought, asked Faisal a personal question, "Do you have any sister?"

Faisal replied, "Yes, I do."

Ava continued, "What if the same thing happened to your sister? What would you do?"

Faisal clenched his jaw and muttered, "I'd kill the person who dared to lay a finger on my sister."

Ava smiled and stated, "Well, I'm Elara's sister too. Why are you telling me to accept Ibrahim? How can I accept the man as my husband who kidnapped me and forcefully married me?"

Ava probed further, "What if something like this happened to your sister? What would you do?"

Faisal clenched his jaw and murmured, "I'd kill the person who laid a finger on my sister."

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