Chapter 107 : Advice from Farah.

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The steady, monotonous sound of Professor Syed's voice filled the lecture hall, much like a persistent buzzing sound. The room was uncomfortably hot, making it hard to stay focused. Ava sat on the edge of her seat, quickly jotting down notes with intense concentration, her forehead creased in deep thought. However, beside her, Farah slouched in her chair, eyes closed tightly, completely immersed in a peaceful slumber, unaware of the ongoing lecture.

With a playful gleam in her eye, Ava pressed her heel against Farah's shoe, a gentle nudge to jolt her awake. Farah, startled, shot upright with a glare, "What?" 

Ava offered a sheepish smile. But stayed silent because of the class. 

Not wanting to disrupt the class, Farah reached into her bag and pulled out a notebook. She flipped to a blank page and tore it out, passing it to Ava. With a pen in hand, Ava began to writing a message for Farah, "Lecture! You were asleep."

Farah grabbed the pen from Ava's hand and wrote back, "Prof. Syed could talk for hours and still manage to say nothing. I hate him. Does he even know what he's teaching, or is he just rambling on for the sake of it?"

Ava shook her head. She grabbed the pen and wrote, "Come on, let's give him some credit. He's an expert in his field! He has two master's degrees. Surely, he must know something."

Farah sighed and wrote, "I still can't make sense of anything he's saying. Well degrees don't guarantee wisdom. They just mean you're good at memorizing things." Farah rolled her eyes. 

Ava smiled but didn't respond to Farah anything. She tried to focus on the lecture. Moments passed. Farah noticed the frown on Ava's face. 

Farah again wrote, "Why the pensive frown? Why does it look like you're lost in your thoughts?"

Ava hesitated, her fingers poised above the paper. The memory of the heated exchange with Ibrahim, the simmering tension that still clung to her like a shroud, made her bite her lip. Finally, she wrote, "Just a pre-university argument with husband, nothing major."

"Don't worry, honey," Farah wrote, "By tonight, when you two cuddle up in bed, all will be forgiven and forgotten."

Ava's pen froze mid-air, a bewildered frown replacing her previous stoicism. "Bed?" she wrote, confusion etching its way across her brow. "We... we don't sleep together."

Farah's eyes widened in disbelief. She reread the message twice, her jaw dropping with each confirmation. "Not… together?" she wrote, her incredulity oozing off the page. They didn't have any conversation previously in this topic. So it was unknown for Farah. 

Ava nodded mutely. "Separate beds," she scrawled. 

Farah, unable to contain her amusement, buried her face in her hands, the stifled snickers shaking her frame.

Just then, the bell shattered the professor's monotone, signaling the sweet release of freedom. Professor Syed, with a final self-important cough, declared, "Tomorrow, at precisely nine AM, the scholarship recipient list will be posted on the university website. Do check, everyone." With that, he swept out of the room, leaving behind a sea of relieved faces of students and buzzing whispers.

Ava, her face lit with anticipation, turned to Farah. "Do you think I can get the scholarship?"

Farah patted her shoulder reassuringly. "Of course you will, silly. After all, you're one of the top-ranking students in our class."

Ava responded, "But this scholarship doesn't necessarily follow the university rank, Farah. It's a different criteria altogether." 

Farah told, "Leave it now," her gaze shifting around the now-emptying classroom. She leaned closer to Ava and asked, "Now tell me, Ava, didn't you mention that you love Ibrahim?" 

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