Chapter 71 : ' Don't Fall for Ibrahim '

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The hotel staff entered the room with a parade of dishes, turning the tea table into a mosaic of Malaysian delights. The fragrances of Nasi Lemak, Chicken Rice Ball, Laksa, Satay, Cendol, and other local delicacies mingled in the air, creating an inviting aroma. 

The room was now brightly lit and the window provided a view of rain pouring outside, creating a cozy ambiance.

Seated beside Ibrahim on the sofa, Ava marveled at the feast before her, "Who will eat all this?"

Pouring water into a glass, Ibrahim responded with a confidence, "Of course, we will eat."

When the staff left, Ava attempted to lift the glass with her right hand, only to wince in pain due to the wound near her elbow. Adjusting quickly, she opted for her left hand.

Ibrahim observed her struggle and asked softly, "Can I feed you, Ava?"

Ava looked at him with a pout, "I'm is not a kid." But she was looking like a kid with that pout.

Ibrahim smiled, "The more you struggle with your wounded hand, the more it'll hurt. We have plans to go outside, and today is your only day to rest."

Ava nodded as she realised Ibrahim's word. Their visit to Malacca was meant for exploration, not spending time inside the hotel. With a return to Kuala Lumpur in two days, time was precious. And she really felt pain whenever she moved her elbow.

"Okay, feed me." Ava agreed.

Ibrahim smiled and picked up a chicken rice ball with a fork. He brought it close to Ava's mouth and gently fed her. She opened her mouth, and he gently placed it in. 

Ava looked into Ibrahim's eyes, found a sense of tenderness. He was behaving so well nowadays, making her falling in love with him even more. 

Ibrahim continued to feed her, offering different dishes while exchanging occasional smiles. Between bites, Ava found herself saying, "These dishes are really good."

"I'm glad you like them. I'm enjoying doing this." Ibrahim responded while feeding her. 

Ava asked, "Why?" 

Ibrahim paused, his fingers delicately moving to the side of Ava's mouth to wipe away a stray piece of food, "It's the first time I'm feeding you. And in Rahman Mansion, you didn't really eat well. You lost weight. I was worried for you. Now, it feels good to see you enjoying food." 

"I just ate to survive at that time." Ava replied.

Ibrahim's gaze intensified as he asked, "And what about now? Do you still want to survive, or do you want to live?"

Ava was silent, unable to provide an immediate answer. She was looking at him. Internally, she said to herself - now she is trying to live, and she wants to live with him, with this man. She yearns for his love, wanting to build a life together. Her heart desires the warmth he provides. These thoughts overwhelmed her, and a mix of emotions flooded her soul - longing, hope, and a spark of love she hadn't known before.

On the other hand Ibrahim was waiting for her answer asked, "Won't you answer...." His phone started to ring. He murmured, "Who on earth is calling me now?"

He retrieved his phone from his pocket, revealing Elara's name on the screen. Turning to Ava, he mentioned, "Looks like your brother's in the mood for a chat."

"Elara, my man, always the concerned brother, huh?" Ibrahim asked after receiving.

Ibrahim faced Elara's agitated voice, "Where are you two?"

Smirking, Ibrahim coolly responded, "Oh, just soaking up the scenic delights of Malacca, you know, quality time stuff."

Elara, audibly frustrated, shot back, "How could you waltz off with Ava without a heads-up? And why would she even go with you?"

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