Chapter 89 : "Just One more time, baby girl."

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After a moment, Ibrahim withdrew his mouth. But his gaze remained fixated on Ava's bosom. The sight before him was captivating, with her bosom adorned by a thin layer of his saliva. The lights in the room cast a shimmering glow upon her bosom and created an ethereal effect that heightened it's allure. 

The sight of her nipples, perched delicately stop her bosom. Unable to contain his appreciation any longer. Ibrahim found himself compelled to pay a compliment to Ava, "Do you know, baby girl? You are a truly a work of art..... You are truly stunning." 

However as his words reached Ava's ears, she turned her head to the side, unable to meet his gaze. The vulnerability of being half naked caused a wave of embarassment to wash over her. She instantly covered her breasts and turned her body. Turning to the right side, away from Ibrahim, she hoped to create a physical and emotional distance between them.

Ibrahim also let his body fall to the side beside her on the bed. Finally a new step had been taken by him. He exhaled peacefully looking at the ceiling. 

In that moment, a sudden and unexpected sound reached Ibrahim's ears—a silent sob escaping from Ava.

Tears began to fall from her eyes, dampening the pillow beneath her. Ava herself was unsure of the reason for her tears, but they flowed nonetheless.

 Ibrahim, who was facing the ceiling, turned towards her and gently placed his hand on her arm. He was facing her bare back, "Why are you crying, Baby girl?" His words were filled with genuine concern, seeking to understand the source of her tears.

Through her tears, Ava managed to express her belief, "We shouldn't do this. We are crossing the line..... We should stop." 

Ibrahim placed a soft kiss on her bare back, "We are meant for each other, Ava. I understand your feelings. No matter how many times you try to hide them, you can't. Every person has their physical needs and we all go through a process. Some go slowly, and some go fast..... it's our choice."

Ava, still hesitant to reveal her true feelings for Ibrahim, "There is nothing inside my heart... it's empty... you're getting the wrong idea." 

Ibrahim shifted closer to Ava and traced his fingertips along the soft expanse of her bare back, "Okay, I believe your lie."

Ava trembled by his touch and said, "I am not lying."

Ibrahim's touch became even more tender as he spoke softly, almost as if he was speaking directly to Ava's heart, "I understand your fears, Baby girl. Love can be scary but it's also a beautiful and transformative journey. We shouldn't deny ourselves the chance to experience that. I gave you enough time, Ava. And now I'll be more bold. But don't worry, we can take things at a slow pace."

Ava didn't reply. She just listened. Her tears stopped. In Ibrahim's touch, she felt seen and accepted for who she truly was. It was as if he could read her thoughts, her fears and her hidden desires. Ibrahim had the power to unravel her, to unlock the truth of her own desires, even if she couldn't find the courage to voice.

Ibrahim's fingers glided along her back and eventually found the back mole on her waist. Before their marriage when Ibrahim saw her while changing her dress through a drone camera, he thought it was a beauty mark but it was a black little mole. 

He traced circles around, caressing the tiny mole that adorn her skin. Ava hadn't expected Ibrahim to discover the mole. She could feel weight of his attention on that mole, as if it held a deeper significance beyond its physical appearance. Did he find her mole attractive?

But the moment didn't end there. She felt his hands on her bare waist. Ibrahim's fingers traced the contours of her waist. Ibrahim, finding her irresistibly sexy, was like an artist elaborating on a masterpiece, revealing hidden nuances. His touch was a slow exploration that made Ava confront the desires she had concealed.

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