Chapter 67 : Ava got hurt.

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Ibrahim maneuvered his elegant car to a stop in front of the 'Malacca Royale'. The "Malacca Royale," standing tall with its pristine white walls, exuded a regal charm accentuated by intricately designed golden motifs. The driveway, adorned with manicured gardens on either side, led to the grand entrance, where the hotel's name glistened in golden letters.

Exiting the car, Ibrahim effortlessly gathered all the shopping bags from the backseat. 

"It's giving a kind of royal vibe." Ava commented. Ibrahim held Ava's hand as they approached the hotel entrance. The automatic glass doors opened, ushering them into a foyer adorned with majestic chandeliers that dangled from the high ceiling. The subtle fragrance of fresh flowers added a touch of sophistication to the air.

They entered and the lobby unfolded its splendor—a seamless blend of contemporary elegance and timeless allure. Plush, upholstered seating areas adorned with velvet cushions beckoned guests to indulge in comfort. Ava noted the polished marble floors, reflecting the soft glow of the chandeliers above. "Malacca Royale" was one of the five star luxurious hotels in Malaysia.

Workers, Staffs offered cordial welcomes to both Ibrahim and Ava. Ibrahim, responding with a poised nod, subtly commanded the respect that came with his role. He asked by presenting Ava with a choice, "Dinner in the room or the dining room?"

"Let's eat in the dining room. I'd love to see," she responded.

At the reception desk, Shazia, the receptionist, greeted them with a nod. Shazia handed over the key to their room. Ibrahim had different room as a owner, and whenever he used to come to stay he stayed in that hotel.

Turning to Ava, he conveyed, "Wait in the lobby. I'll be back after putting these bags in our room. Then, we'll head to the dining room."

Ava nodded. She didn't have the energy to went to room then came for dinner. It was best to wait in the lobby afterthat she will go to the room after dinner. 

When Ava settled into a plush seat, Ibrahim turned to Shazia and conveyed, "Take care of Ava until I return. If she needs anything, ensure swift assistance—no delays."

Shazia nodded, "Yes, sir. You won't receive any complaints."

With a final glance at Ava immersed in her phone, Ibrahim made his way to the room. The lobby was a mosaic of activities. Some guests were checking in, some were gossiping and others leisurely sipping coffee from porcelain cups adorned with the hotel's logo. 

And there was Ava who was trying to contact Elara. She didn't talk with him the whole day. Elara didn't even know she was in Malacca now. Yet, the elusive network bars denied her the satisfaction of a successful message. She approached Shazia at the reception. "I'm trying to send a message, but the network seems to be playing tricks on me."

Shazia suggested, "You could try the balcony, ma'am. The network signal is usually better there. Alternatively, we have WiFi in the lobby; I can provide you with the password."

Appreciating the offer but opting for the balcony's allure, Ava declined politely, "No problem, Shazia. I'll take a moment to enjoy some fresh air as well."

With a nod, Ava made her way to the circular balcony adjacent to the lobby. The transition from the vibrant buzz of the lobby to the balcony's oasis of tranquility was immediate. As Ava stepped onto the balcony, the ambiance transformed. The hum of activity from the lobby faded, replaced by the soothing sounds of the surroundings.

The circular balcony, adorned with intricately designed wrought-iron railings, embraced an enchanting panorama. Pillars adorned with intricate carvings encircled the space, providing both structural support and an aesthetic touch. Flowing curtains danced lightly, carried by the gentle breeze. And the soft glow of decorative lights framed the balcony.

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