Chapter 62 : "I want Uncle Ibi's chocolates !"

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Jessica sat on the plush bed in the hotel room, enveloped in the warm glow of lights that adorned the space. The television hummed softly, casting a gentle glow on her face as she waited for Prof. Syed. 

The room exuded an ambiance of luxury, with its tasteful decor and muted colors creating a serene atmosphere. The curtains were drawn, allowing a glimpse of the city lights outside, shimmering like distant stars. The room, booked exclusively by him through the connection of his friend who owned the hotel, bore traces of familiarity. It had become their rendezvous point for their special 'private meetings', a place where the outside world faded away.

Jessica, glancing at the clock on the wall, noted the passing time. Prof. Syed had instructed her to meet him here, yet an hour had elapsed, and he was yet to arrive. The soft ticking of the clock seemed to echo the seconds slipping away.

Time passed. And the click of the door unlocking by a key drew Jessica's attention. She turned towards the entrance, and there stood Prof. Syed, finally arriving.

"I've been waiting for you since the evening, and now you decide to show up." Jessica greeted him with a mild irritation. 

Prof. Syed, wearing a rueful smile, explained, "Traffic jam, my dear. It's the bane of my existence."

He came and settled beside Jessica on the bed. 

Jessica sighed, "Always the traffic. You need a helicopter or something."

"I'll consider it for our next meeting. How about that?" Prof. Syed replied adjusting his glasses. 

Jessica switched off the TV remote and looked at Prof. Syed. "Well, make it up to me," she teased. 

Prof. Syed moved closer, "And how do you suggest I do that?"

Jessica's lips curled into a smile, "Maybe with dinner, something you owe me for making me wait."

Prof. Syed agreed, "Deal. I'll order the best dinner this hotel has to offer. So, how's Farah doing? What's she up to?"

"She's the same, you know. Nothing out of the ordinary. Evenings are reserved for her boyfriend Elara. Then it's back to the apartment, hitting the books for exams. The usual routine." Jessica continued, "Zeba, Noor....." 

Prof. Syed interrupted her, "I'm only interested in Farah. Don't care much about the others."

 "Of course, only Farah matters. The rest of us are just background noise." Jessica played along.

Prof. Syed reached into his bag and pulled out two hidden cameras and presented them to Jessica. Her eyes widened in surprise as she regarded the unexpected items.

"What are these for?" Jessica asked with a hint of curiosity. 

 "Attach them to Farah's attached bathroom. That's all you need to know." Prof. Syed replied. 

Holding the hidden cameras, Jessica voiced her reservations. "This feels wrong, Professor. Why do I have to do this?"

Leaning back with a self-assured smile, Prof. Syed responded, "You don't need to know the details. Just consider it a favor to me. A little help, that's all."

Jessica hesitated, her mind racing with questions. "But if Farah or the others find out, they'll doubt me." 

"I have a solution. No one will doubt you. Trust me." Prof. Syed replied with a confidence that bordered on arrogance.

Jessica continued to examine the hidden cameras. Prof. Syed began, "These are state-of-the-art, virtually invisible. No one will suspect a thing."

But Jessica as still uncertain. She questioned, "But why especially Farah's bathroom? What's the purpose?"

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