Chapter 55 : Doing a household choreo.

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A smile played on Ibrahim's lips and he accepted the cup, "Well, if you're not scared, how about we go for a honeymoon?Enjoy somewhere beautiful?"

Ava was taken aback. "What?" She was taking the first sip of her coffee, but as soon as Ibrahim mentioned a honeymoon, her hand froze in mid-air. She looked at him as if he had suggested something utterly absurd.

"How can you even think of a honeymoon?" Ava exclaimed. 

"Come on, it'll be fun. A change of scenery might do us good." Ibrahim tried to convince her. 

But Ava was unamused. She took a sip of coffee and told, "Fun? With you? I highly doubt that." She shook her head in no.

Ibrahim tried to sweeten the deal, "We'll go to a beautiful place, enjoy the scenery, maybe even try some couple activities."

Ava scoffed, "Couple activities? Really? You've got to be kidding me."

"You never know. We might end up enjoying each other's company." Ibrahim was not ready to give up yet. 

Ava shot him a look of disbelief. "Enjoy your own company. I'm not interested. I'm going back to the study room. This is ridiculous."

Ava continued walking toward the study room, coffee cup still in hand. 

Ibrahim finished his coffee and followed her, "Come on, Ava. We can try to make some good memories. It might not be as bad as you think."

Ava reached the study room, turned to him, and sighed, "Memories? All I've got so far are forceful kisses and awkward encounters with you." 

Ibrahim leaned against the doorframe, smirking, "Maybe I can the change of scenario. You might even enjoy it."

Ava shook her head, "I don't think so. And besides, I have more important things to focus on, like my exams."

He walked closer to her, "Exams? I thought we could leave all that behind for a while."

Ava raised an eyebrow, "In what world is that even a possibility?"

Ibrahim replied, "In my world. A world where you and I can coexist peacefully."

 "Stop dreaming, Ibrahim. I'm not going anywhere." Ava dismissed Ibrahim's suggestion. 

She walked over to the incomplete painting, carefully picked up the paintbrush from the floor, and resumed her work.

Ibrahim stood beside her, "What about a peaceful weekend getaways?" 

Ava, not looking away from her canvas, responded, "Ibrahim, you can't promise peace. Every time you come close to me, chaos follows with you, and I'm still scared by those chaos. What if you try to get physical again? I can't trust you, Ibrahim."

Ibrahim, raising his hands defensively, assured, "I won't, Ava. I promise. I know I've made mistakes, Ava. But this is different." 

Ava paused her painting, looking into Ibrahim's eyes. She questioned herself, "Can I trust him?" She was torn between the desire for a break and the fear of repeating history, sighed deeply. The idea of a peaceful weekend getaway was tempting, yet she couldn't shake off the hesitation.

Ibrahim complained, "Here I am, bending over backward to make you agree, and in my line of work, a single command is all it takes."

Ava chuckled bitterly, "Well, I'm not one of your 'men,' Ibrahim. I won't dance to your tune. And I have my studies. I can't afford to lose focus." She started to paint once again. 

Ibrahim took a step closer, "I'll even help you cover half of your syllabus before we go. You won't have to worry about anything."

Ava's brush hovered over the canvas. The voice inside her grew louder, encouraging her to embrace this opportunity.

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