Chapter 98 : The Second Heart - Part Two.

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The storm had finally relented, its fury replaced by a gentle drizzle that tapped on the windows like a shy visitor. Breakfast had long been cleared. Inside the bedroom, Ava found herself lying on the bed, her phone in hand as she checked her emails. And there a email caught her attention. It was from her university, and the subject line bore unexpected news. Intrigued, she clicked on it and began to read. 

The semester has been postponed due to unforeseen issues, and to her surprise there was no specified new date for when the semester would resume. However, students were still required to attend their regular classes until further notice. Ava got more time to complete her syllabus. 

Then, Ava's attention was drawn to Ibrahim, who stood before the dressing table, engrossed in his own thoughts. His tall figure leaned slightly, his hand gliding across the surface as he wrote something on a paper. The room was quiet, save for the rhythmic scratching of the pen against the paper. Ibrahim's brow furrowed in concentration. 

Ava tilted her head slightly, studying his focused expression. After a moment of contemplation, she couldn't resist the urge to ask, "What are you writing, Ibrahim?"

Ibrahim turned towards her with a gentle smile. He approached her with slow steps, until he found himself sitting beside her on the bed, offering the page, "Sign it, Baby Girl."

Ava furrowed her brows in confusion. She put her phone aside and sat up on the bed. Ava took the paper from his hand, her fingers tracing the elegant script. "Your handwriting," she mused, "so manly, yet beautiful." 

Though it wasn't the first time she was seeing Ibrahim's handwriting. She was noticing it carefully for the first time and his handwriting made her captivated. Then she began to read the words written on the paper.

 - "Party A (Ibrahim Rahman) will show Party B (Ava Lim) the secrets of her 'second heart,' and in return, Party B would offer unwavering obedience to Party A."

"Did you just..." Ava stammered, "Did you just make a contract?"

He merely smirked and extended the pen towards her. "It's not a contract. Just to keep a proof. Don't think too much, Sign it." Ibrahim urged. 

Ava, her mind racing, questioned the implications of the contract. "What exactly are you going to do?"

"You'll find out soon," Ibrahim teased.

Ava's mind raced again, questions swirling within her. What exactly was Ibrahim planning? Why did he need her to sign this cryptic contract? With a subtle nod, she set aside her reservations and reached for the pen and signed her name on the dotted line.

"Okay, I signed it," she announced, "Now what?"

Ibrahim, his eyes alight with a secret glee, snatched the paper from her hand and folded it securely. He rose from the bed and strode towards the closet.

Ava, leaning back against the headboard, watched him disappear into the depths of the closet, a flicker of unease stirring within her. What exactly did Ibrahim have planned for her "second heart"? 

And just the moment, Her eyes widened in surprise as Ibrahim retrieved something from a small locker within the closet. 


Ibrahim's hand held two gleaming handcuffs, crafted not from cold steel but from soft black leather, adorned with intricate buckles and gleaming studs.

Ava's mind remembered ........The memories of movie scenes flooding her thoughts. She knew exactly what these handcuffs were used for.

Fear mingled with curiosity as Ava looked up at Ibrahim, her voice trembling, "What... what are you going to do with those handcuffs?"

Ibrahim approached her slowly, his eyes locked onto hers. With deliberate movements, he sat before her, the handcuffs glinting in the soft light of the room. His voice was low, "They will help me show you how your second heart beats."

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