Chapter 59 : The Lily Flower.

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The horses also sensed Ava's calm presence, allowed her to get closer. She ran her fingers through their manes, showing genuine affection. Ibrahim, leaning against a nearby stall, observed her with a warmth in his eyes. Her joy seemed to dissipate the weariness that clung to him. Fatigue seemed to dissipate as he witnessed her joy.

But Ibrahim's eyes caught the details of Ava's attire—a blue pair of jeans and a black shirt that seemed far too oversized on her slender frame.

"Ava!" he called out, drawing her attention.

Ava turned towards him with a questioning look. Ibrahim couldn't help but notice the shirt she was wearing. "Is that my shirt?" he inquired.

Caught off guard, Ava nervously stammered, "Y-yes,, you burnt many of my clothes, and some were not washed, so I took this from your closet. I'll wash it tomorrow and put it back in the same place," she explained in a hurried manner.

Ibrahim approached her and gently took her hand, saying, "Breathe, baby girl, I didn't need the why. I just asked to be confirmed." 

Ava exhaled, "Aren't you angry that I wore your shirt?" She was confused because many people didn't like the idea of sharing clothes. 

Leading her towards the exit of the stable, Ibrahim replied, "It's a prize for me that you wore my shirt. I won't ever wash it."

They came into the the backyard and the darkness was softened by the gentle glow of moonlight. Ava saw their hands. Ibrahim was still holding her hands gently. She couldn't resist but asking, "Why?"

Ibrahim spoke while looking at her, "This shirt will carry your scent. Every time I wear it, it'll remind me of you."

Ava blushed, her unexpected response surprising even herself. She attempted to free her hand from Ibrahim's grip, but he playfully insisted, "I'll let you go once we reach our room. Until then, let's go hand in hand."

They strolled under the moonlit sky and Ibrahim held Ava's hand firmly. Their fingers intertwined, creating a subtle yet intimate connection that Ava found surprisingly comforting. 

 The lights from within the mansion and along the driveway created a warm ambiance, dispelling any trace of darkness. Ava couldn't help but steal glances at their joined fingers, realizing that the gesture felt remarkably peaceful, unlike the discomfort she might have expected. 

Looking at Ibrahim's face, Ava silently questioned his intentions. Was he deliberately trying to make her fall in love with him? The thought lingered in her mind as they walked. If so, she admitted to herself that he was making progress, and she wouldn't resist much. Sighing, Ava quickly averted her gaze, looking ahead.

In the mansion's backyard, surrounded by a variety of flowers, Ibrahim's eyes fell upon a pristine white lily. With careful precision, he reached for the delicate blossom, plucking it from the plant. The air carried the sweet fragrance of the flower as he held it. 

Stepping closer to Ava, Ibrahim studied her dark hair and decided on the perfect spot. With careful precision, he tucked the white lily into her bun, weaving it seamlessly into the strands. He marveled at the contrast between the pure white bloom and Ava's dark tresses. 

On the other hand, Ava observed Ibrahim's every move, her curiosity evident in her eyes. The fragrance of the lily enveloped them, creating a moment suspended in time. As Ibrahim's fingers brushed against her hair, Ava felt an unexpected warmth. She couldn't deny a subtle flutter in her chest, a reaction she hadn't anticipated.

Ava gazed at Ibrahim as he adorned her hair. Why did his touch, which had once terrified her, now create a different kind of sensation? What was happening? Why did a simple gesture stir such emotions within her? Her heart betrayed her usual composure, and she found herself momentarily lost. 

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