Chapter 53 : Seeking for a Perfect Shade of Lipstick

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Aqil's footsteps echoed through the corridor as he approached Elara's apartment. On the other hand Elara was anxiously awaiting Aqil's arrival inside, opened the door swiftly upon hearing the familiar doorbell.

Aqil greeted with a nod, stepping into the apartment.

"You've got it?" Elara, tension evident in his expression, closed the door behind Aqil. 

Aqil nodded and retrieved a small, inconspicuous envelope from inside his jacket. Handing it to Elara, he spoke with confidence, "The passport for Ava. I've ensured it's top-notch." 

Elara took it eagerly. Inside the envelope was the fabricated passport for Ava. He scrutinized it with a discerning eye. The passport bore Ava's photo, but the name and details were cleverly fabricated, a testament to Aqil's skill in forgery. The colors, the holograms—everything appeared authentic.

Elara gestured Aqil to sit on the couch. 

"Good job, Aqil." Both men got settled on couch, "This will be immensely helpful later."

"I made sure to make it as convincing as possible. No one will question its authenticity." Aqil replied.

Elara's eyes narrowed as he examined the passport. "I appreciate it, your work. You always do the best."

"Glad you like it. It wasn't an easy task, but I made sure it's foolproof. She shouldn't face any issues at the borders. Now, using it isn't complicated, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind." Aqil replied. 

 Elara said, looking at Aqil for guidance. "Let's discuss the plan. How do we go about using this?"

"So, First of all Ava needs to keep a low profile, blend in," Aqil advised, setting the foundation. "Land borders are riskier, but not impossible. However, the safest bet might be air travel."

"Air travel?" Elara asked. 

"Yes," Aqil confirmed. "A flight will expedite the process. She won't face intense scrutiny compared to land checkpoints. Plus, it's faster."

Elara envisioned Ava's journey unfolding in the shadows of night. "Which airline?" he probed.

"Choose any reputable international airline," Aqil suggested.

Elara nodded thoughtfully, mentally mapping out the steps. "And at the airport?" he inquired.

Aqil continued the briefing. "Confidence is key. She should act like any regular traveler. Keep a low profile, answer questions confidently, and avoid drawing attention. Now, when booking the flight, make sure it's a nonstop one. Layovers increase the risk of complications. We want her journey to be as smooth as possible."

"And the destination? Any specific suggestions?" Elara asked.

"Choose a country that isn't stringent with entry checks, but not too lax either," Aqil advised. "We want a balance. I'd recommend a place later where she can easily blend in without raising suspicions."

Elara considered the options, "Got it. A country with a moderate stance on security."

"Exactly," Aqil affirmed. "Once she arrives, it's crucial to stay vigilant. Customs might be lenient, but she shouldn't let her guard down."

"What about documentation? Anything specific she needs to be aware of?" Elara asked.

Aqil explained, "The fake passport is our primary tool no other document will be needed, but she should have a cover story ready in case of any questions. Something believable yet inconspicuous."

Elara pondered, "A cover story... Like a traveler exploring a new city, perhaps?"

"Yeah, sure." Aqil replied. 

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