Chapter 72 : Humiliation

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The shared apartment was filled with the aroma of evening snacks as Farah, Noor, Mahi, and Zeba gathered on the dining floor. The cozy setting had them lounging with plates of snacks, creating a casual yet lively atmosphere.

Farah and Mahi were fully engrossed in the drama playing on the TV, eyes fixed on the screen as the plot thickened. On the other side of the dining area, Zeba and Noor seemed eager for a change of content.

"Come on, guys! The crime series I've been talking about is so thrilling. You won't believe the suspense!" Zeba suggested. 

Noor, backing Zeba, added with enthusiasm, "Seriously! It's like a rollercoaster of mysteries and unexpected twists. You're missing out."

But Farah was not ready to part with her drama, "Wait, wait! This drama is reaching its peak. The suspense is killing me. We can watch your crime series later."

"Yeah, let's not change it now. The drama has been building up, and I need to know what happens next." Mahi chimed in. 

Zeba, with a playful eye-roll, insisted, "Come on, drama queens! The crime series has everything – suspense, drama, and a bit of action."

Noor teased, "And your drama is just becoming predictable. Trust me, this crime series is a game-changer."

Farah retorted, "Predictable? You haven't seen the latest episodes. They're full of surprises."

"Let's compromise. We can finish this drama, and then we'll watch the crime series. How about that?" Mahi suggested.

Zeba agreed, "Fine, but if this drama disappoints, we're switching to the crime series, deal?"

"Deal. But I guarantee you won't be disappointed." Mahi told.

In the midst of their friendly banter and TV watching, Zeba's phone buzzed with a message from an unknown number. She picked up her phone, curious about the unexpected notification. To her shock, it was a video – a video of her showering in her own bathroom.

The color drained from her face, and she quickly excused herself from the TV session, not uttering a word to the others. In the privacy of her room, Zeba nervously examined the video on her phone. It was undeniably their shared apartment. 

But who could invade her privacy like this?Her innocence, her sanctuary, now weaponized against her. As the video reached its painful end, another intrusion erupted – a buzzing phone, a call from the perpetrator himself from the same number. With trembling hands, Zeba answered the call, and a familiar voice greeted her with a sinister tone, "Surprised, Zeba?"

Her heart sank as she recognized the voice – Prof. Syed, her university professor and someone she admired, someone she had considered an ideal figure.

Unable to withstand the revelation, Zeba collapsed onto the floor with a thud. Prof. Syed, a man she had respected, now held her privacy hostage.

Zeba, struggling to find her voice, managed to ask, "Why are you doing this, Professor? What do you want from me?"

Prof. Syed chuckled darkly, "Ah, Zeba, it's not about what I want; it's about what you can do to protect your precious reputation." 

Zeba asked with a trembling voice, "What I need to do?" 

He laid out his demands, "Be at Gardenia Hotel. Room 203. Come alone, or else this video will find its way to the darkest corners of the internet. You wouldn't want your reputation tarnished, would you?"

Zeba pleaded, "Please, Professor, don't do this. Don't leak that video anywhere. I can't do what you're asking. It's not fair, it's not right."

Prof. Syed's response was a venomous hiss, "Fairness is a myth, Zeba. Life is a game, and you either play it or become a pawn. Your choice."

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