Chapter 25 : New Morning, New Threats

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Ava was stirred from her slumber by the gentle touch of morning sunlight filtering through the balcony's half-open curtains. She blinked, realizing she had forgotten to draw them closed the night before. She attempted to find a more comfortable position, but the sofa's short place made it nearly impossible. Frustration welled within her, and with a sigh, she decided to rise from the sofa and closed the curtains. 

However, as she turned away from the balcony, a sudden wave of weakness washed over her. She pressed her palm against her forehead and realized that she had a high fever. With a heavy sigh, she switched off the tube light that always stayed on at night. 

She glanced at Ibrahim who was peacefully asleep on the bed. She couldn't help but murmured, "This man doesn't even offer me the bed for one day. Every day I need to sleep on the sofa, and he sleeps on the bed. He doesn't even consider suggesting we switch places for a night. Never... Huh."

She shook her head and decided to go to the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea, something warm to help sooth her fever. As she entered the kitchen, she saw Aliya and Aziza were busy preparing breakfast. 

When Aliya noticed Ava standing near the door, she asked, "Ava, why are you awake so early, especially on a Sunday?"

"I think I might have a fever, so I came to make some tea." Ava replied.

Aziza questioned, "Why are you making tea when you're unwell, daughter? Sit down. I will make it for you."

Aliya approached Ava and reached out to feel her forehead, "Oh no, Ava, you're burning up! You should go and rest in your room. Aziza will bring breakfast to you, and I'll call the doctor."

 "No, no need to call a doctor, I'll take some medicine, and I'll be fine." Ava replied. 

Aliya remained adamant, "No, dear Ava. You go and rest. I'll let you know when the doctor arrives."

Reluctantly, Ava nodded and went to her room.

After her morning shower, Ava emerged from the bathroom, her face gently patted dry with a towel. Just as she stepped out, a soft knock on the door caught her attention. She quickly went to open the door. 

To her surprise, Faisal stood on the other side, a food trolley laden with breakfast at his side. Ava asked, "Faisal?" 

Faisal nodded and gave a reassuring smile. "Good morning, Ava. I heard from Mother Aliya that you have a fever, so I thought I'd bring you some breakfast."

Ava's face brightened, and she stepped aside, inviting Faisal in. "Thank you, Faisal. Please, come in."

As Faisal entered, his eyes couldn't help but glance at the bed, where Ibrahim still lay sleeping. He commented, "Ibrahim hasn't woken up yet?"

Ava settled on the sofa, a cup of tea in her hand, and shook her head. "No, he's still sleeping."

Faisal walked over to Ibrahim, attempting to wake him. He called out, "Hey, dude, wake up." However, Ibrahim remained undisturbed by his efforts. Faisal tried again, "Ava has a fever; wake up, Boss."

The word "fever" cut through the fog of Ibrahim's slumber, and his eyes flew open. He sat up abruptly. "Fever?" He questioned in disbelief.

He glanced at Ava and noticed she's looking so pale. He rose from the bed and moved closer and reached out to touch her forehead. His fingers brushed against her skin, and Ava involuntarily closed her eyes.

Ibrahim's gaze remained fixed on her. "Why didn't you wake me up, Ava? You should have told me."

Ava let out a sigh, "Why should I have told you?"

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