Chapter 19: Let's Make A Plan.

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The last night had been cruel to Ava, her restless sleep disturbed by haunting visions of the man's bloody face. She had vomited repeatedly, unable to retain any food or drink. Ava didn't slept at Ibrahim's room, instead she slept in Aliya's room. She didn't have the courage to face Ibrahim. Aliya, her mother-in-law, had been by her side, caring for her throughout the night. Aliya had been her lifeline throughout the night, caring for her as she struggled with waves of nausea and fear.

The morning sun pierced through the curtains. And a cheerful ringtone started to play as the clock struck 9. The sudden noise jolted Ava awake. Her head was spinning from the sudden awake. 

Seating on the edge of the bed Ava was reading newspaper. She glanced at Ava and gently inquired, "You're awake?"

Ava, still feeling groggy and dizzy, responded, "Why didn't you wake me up? I have classes today."

Aliya folded the newspaper and answered, "You're not well today. Can't you skip today's classes?"

Ava pushed the blanket aside and said, "No, I have to go." She slowly got up from the bed.

Aliya insisted, "As you wish, but you'll have breakfast before heading to the university, understand?"

Ava nodded, and as she turned to leave the room, Aliya called her back, "Ava!"

Ava turned back to face Aliya. Aliya rose from her seat and came towards her, "Try to forget last night. The more you dwell on it, the more it will haunt you."

Ava gazed at Aliya, her eyes empty, as she processed the words. Aliya had some wrinkles in her face, signs of her age, but she still looked graceful in her 50s. She shared certain facial features with Ibrahim, like their similar noses and foreheads. 

Ava asked, "Is this the family's way? To eliminate anyone who crosses them?"

Aliya tenderly patted Ava's head, "It's not even a week after your marriage. You'll have to go far and bear witness to many things."

Alarmed by Aliya's words, Ava asked, "I can't tell if you're trying to frighten me or warn me."

Aliya again patted on her head, "You'll understand. Now go and freshen up. Breakfast will be served soon."

With that, Ava opened the door and left the room. She remembered her own mother. Ava didn't know but when Aliya patted on her head, she liked the gesture. Maybe she was missing her own mother.

Ava had quietly entered Ibrahim's room, glad to find it empty. She had to get ready for university. She missed her apartment so much. Here in another everything seemed out of place, and especially living with a man like Ibrahim.

She went straight to the closet. To her surprise, she noticed that the wardrobe now held more clothes in her size, neatly arranged. Moreover, her everyday essentials like a hairdryer, skincare products, and toiletries were all present, and they were the exact brands she used. Ava suspected that Aziza Aunty, the maid, had done this, trying to make her feel more comfortable.

Selecting a white top and black jeans, Ava went into the bathroom to take a shower. The room was filled with the sound of running water. Once she was done, she returned to the room. At that moment, Ava saw Ibrahim. He was standing near the window, dressed in his gym attire. His muscular physique was visible through the fabric. He was talking with someone on a call. Ava ignored him and sat before the dressing table. 

Ibrahim's dark eyes shifted to Ava as she entered, observing her drying her hair with a towel before switching to the hairdryer. With his call ended, he asked her, "Are you getting ready for university?"

She switched off the hairdryer and turned towards him, "Why? Won't you let me go?"

Ibrahim casually tossed his phone onto the bed and took some steps closer to Ava, "Why wouldn't I, my love?"

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