Chapter 101 : "Threatening Ibrahim isn't that easy."

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Elara stepped into the elevator, his body heavy with fatigue after spending three grueling days on a rescue mission in one of the lower, flood-ravaged areas of Kuala Lumpur. His navy blue uniform hung heavy on his frame, damp at the shoulders from the relentless drizzle. As a dedicated police officer, he had faced the challenges head-on, working tirelessly to help those affected by the devastating floods. Now, finally returning to his apartment, he yearned for a moment of respite.

The elevator ascended to the second floor, and Elara emerged, each step a testament to the fatigue that gripped his body. Elara unlocked his apartment, but as he pushed the door open, he was greeted by the faint clatter of utensils emanating from the kitchen. His apartment had a unique dual-sided lock, accessible from both inside and out. Who could be there?

As he entered the kitchen, Elara's eyes widened in surprise. There stood Farah, his beloved girlfriend, fully engrossed in her culinary endeavors.

"Oh, Farah," Elara breathed, "You're here?"

Farah spun around, "Yes, my dearest boyfriend, I came this morning. " a joyous smile blooming on her face, "And look how many dishes I made for you!"

She gestured playfully to the countertop. Elara walked closer, eyes widening at the feast laid out on the counter. Fluffy roti canai sat next to a vibrant red sambal, cucumber raita cooling beside golden-brown popiah pastries, fragrant biryani simmered in a clay pot, a bowl of golden daal shimmered with ghee. 

"Fa... Farah" Elara stammered, his exhaustion momentarily forgotten, "We could have just ordered takeout. You didn't have to work this hard. How long did it take you to make all these dishes?"

Farah wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his uniform, "Take-out? Who needs take-out when you have a woman? And who counts time when it's for you? You know what? I missed you..... I missed you so much. Elara."

Elara held her close. The past three days had been a blur of rain, exhaustion, and the gnawing worry of not having her by his side. Now, nestled in her embrace, the world outside ceased to exist.

"I missed you too, sweetheart, You have no idea how much," he murmured, tracing circles on her back. "But all this... you must have spent hours to make these."

She pulled away, "Time is an illusion, my love. Especially when the reward is a hungry hero."

Elara laughed, "Alright, Ms. Master Chef. I plead guilty. Starving, exhausted, and utterly smitten."

Farah's eyes sparkled. "Then go get fresh, knight. The queen herself will serve."

"Yeah, if I don't take a shower now, this exhaustion won't go away soon," Elara replied and headed towards the bathroom to freshen up.

Farah stayed in the kitchen, she let out a sigh. She had been wanting to talk to Elara about Ava and Ibrahim. Although Ava had asked her not to say anything, Farah felt the need to give Elara some hints. It was hard for Farah to see Ava in so much pain. 

She vividly remembered the day when Ava had come to her apartment and confessed her love for Ibrahim. While serving the aromatic biryani onto plates, Farah whispered to herself, "Oh Ava, how can I help you?"

While Elara took his shower, Farah busied herself setting the table. She meticulously arranged the plates and the dishes. The table was adorned with a simple, yet elegant charm.

With the raita served in little bowls, Farah pulled out a chair and sat down. Just as she did, Elara emerged from the bathroom, his hair damp, a towel slung around his neck. The fatigue seemed to have vanished, replaced by a soft glow. 

"Ava messaged me earlier," he announced, pulling out a chair. "You semester's been postponed."

"Yeah" Farah confirmed. 

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