Chapter 58 : Experiencing something new.

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The study room exuded an air of quiet academia, with the evening sun casting a warm glow on the polished mahogany furniture. Ava, nestled at the desk, focused intently on her reading, the subtle scent of coffee enveloping her in a cocoon of concentration. Each turn of the page brought her deeper into the world of knowledge.

Amidst her focused reading, Ava's attention was drawn to a gentle rustling sound. She turned toward the expansive glass window, revealing a breathtaking scene unfolding in the backyard. Aliya, Ibrahim's mother, emerged as the protagonist of this enchanting tableau.

In the sprawling backyard, painted with hues of the setting sun, Aliya rode a horse with a grace that bespoke a deep familiarity with the equestrian art. The landscape, adorned with vibrant flowers and lush greenery, served as the backdrop to this mesmerizing display.

The horse beneath Aliya, a majestic creature with a chestnut coat, moved in rhythmic harmony. Its sinewy muscles flexed beneath the sunlight, mirroring the fluidity of Aliya's movements.

Ava, captivated by the scene, rose from her chair and approached the window. She questioned, "How can Aliya be so fit in her 50s?" The sight of Aliya's agile control over the horse and the seamless interaction between rider and beast left Ava in silent admiration. Awe reflected in her eyes as she witnessed this display of timeless elegance.

Aliya's riding attire featured earthy tones, a blend of deep browns and rich greens that complemented the natural beauty surrounding her. The ensemble exuded sophistication, and Ava couldn't help but appreciate the blend of practicality and elegance.

Ava left the study. Exiting through the dining area and into the corridor, she decided to step outside for a breath of fresh air. As she approached the backyard, she noticed Aliya slowing the horse, a serene smile adorning her face.

After seeing Ava, Aliya gently brought the horse to a halt. "Ava, my dear, what a pleasant surprise," Aliya greeted her. 

"I just wanted to see you." Ava replied.

Aliya dismounted and her riding boots touching the ground soundlessly. "Why just see when you can experience? Join me." Aliya suggested.

Ava hesitated, glancing at the horse. "I've never ridden a horse before," she admitted. 

Aliya approached with a reassuring smile, her hand extended. "There's a first time for everything. Trust me, you're in safe hands."

And Ava tentatively took Aliya's hand, feeling the strong yet gentle grip. As Aliya guided her toward the horse, she could sense Ava's apprehension. "Now, place your foot in the stirrup and swing your leg over," Aliya instructed patiently. 

With Aliya's encouragement, Ava managed to mount the horse. She was sacred. Aliya, walking alongside, kept a reassuring presence. "Hold the reins gently, Ava, and don't worry. The horse can sense your energy," Aliya advised. 

Ava clutched the reins tentatively. The horse, sensing the newcomer, remained calm under Aliya's skilled guidance.

"Good. Now, feel the rhythm of the horse's movements. Allow yourself to sway with it," Aliya advised, stepping alongside the horse.

Ava stole glances at Aliya. "What if I fall?" 

Aliya chuckled, "You won't fall, my dear. The horse and I are here to ensure you stay firmly in place. Trust in the experience."

Encouraged by Aliya's confidence, Ava began to relax. "It's... it's not as scary as I thought," she admitted, a small smile breaking through her initial anxiety.

Aliya matched her smile, "See? Sometimes, we need to step into the unknown to discover hidden joys."

The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink and three cars made their way into the mansion's driveway. Aliya, her keen eyes catching the arrival, shared the news with Ava, "My sons have returned."

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