Chapter 11 : Caged.

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Ava remained seated on the bed, facing the window, as the outside world changed from day to night. Her once vibrant eyes were now red and swollen from countless tears that she had shed. 

During the Lunch time, Aziza, the maid, came into the room with a tray of food, just as she had done for breakfast. Aziza had tried her best to encourage Ava to eat, but she refused to touch the food. She had no appetite, no desire to eat.

Ava had never thought she would miss her everyday life this much. She cursed the moment she had attended Mia's wedding. If only she had made a different choice, perhaps she wouldn't be trapped in this nightmare.

Ava had been so lost in her thoughts she didn't realise someone had entered in the room. A sudden pat on her shoulder made her turn. Her gaze fell upon an elderly lady, adorned with diamonds jewellery. 

The lady smiled warmly and asked, "Why haven't you eaten, dear?" But Ava didn't feel any warmth. Maybe she had lost to feel anything in one day. 

Ava finally found her voice. She asked, "Who are you?"

The lady's smile remained as she responded, "I am Aliya Rahman, dear. You can call me Aunt Farah if you'd like. I'm Ibrahim's mother."

Ava's eyes widened. Ava couldn't believe her ears. She turned her head toward Aliya, seeking confirmation, "You're his mother?"

Aliya nodded and sat before her on the bed. Her smile remained on her face. 

Ava pleaded, "Please tell your son to free me from here. I want to go home; I don't want to stay here."

Aliya gently wiped Ava's tears away, "Ibrahim won't let you go, not now. Stop thinking about returning to your old life; this is your home from now on." 

Ava's hands trembled, and she pulled her face away from Aliya's comforting touch. Rising from the bed, she confronted Aliya, "What kind of mother are you? Can't you see your son is doing something terrible? Doesn't it bother you that your son kidnapped me from my apartment?"

Aliya took a measured breath and met Ava's gaze, "I know everything you're saying, You don't need to explain."

Ava couldn't contain her frustration. She exclaimed, "I've been locked in this room from last night. How can you accept your son's deeds easily? Do you think these are normal !" 

Aliya replied with a matter-of-fact tone, "You don't have to be locked in this room if you cooperate and refrain from attempting to escape. You are my son's choice, and I won't interfere." 

Ava questioned, "What do you mean, his choice? Am I just an object that your son likes and brings home?"

Aliya maintained her calm. She was not a person who got angry easily. She said, "Dear, You have no idea how obsessed Ibrahim is with you. Don't cry too much; you'll only hurt yourself."

Ava couldn't fathom Farah's complacency, "Obsession doesn't justify his actions! I have a life, a family, a future, and he's trying to ruin everything. How can you be okay with that?"

Aliya's calm smile didn't waver as she replied, "Ava, you have no choice in this matter. My son has decided, and he gets what he wants. You can either make your stay here more comfortable or face hardship. The choice is yours."

Ava, holding back tears, asked, "Can't you see how crazy this is? I have a life, dreams, and people who care about me. You can't just take that away."

Aliya nodded like she understood but stayed firm, "Ava, I can't change my son's mind. You have to accept this situation."

Ava couldn't be a coward like this, no she couldn't, "I won't give up, Mrs. Rahman. I'll find a way out, and your son will have to answer for what he did."

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