Chapter 80 : The Third Victim.

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Farah sat hunched over her laptop, fingers dancing across the keyboard with focused determination. She was trying to hack Prof Syed's phone to delete the compromising videos. Her first step was to access a secure hacking platform known for its discreet services – the elusive The website's interface resembled an underground marketplace, its digital alleyways leading to various hacking tools.

 Noor and Zeba hovered anxiously beside her, their eyes flitting between Farah's screen and the clock on the wall.

 Their apartment was filled with an uneasy tension as they were waiting for Mahi's return. Mahi is the latest victim of Prof. Usama Syed's despicable actions.

Noor glanced at the clock and voiced her worry, "It's 11 in the morning, and still no sign of Mahi."

With a nonchalant tone Zeba, remarked, "Maybe Prof. Syed hasn't finished his... business yet."

Noor shot Zeba a disapproving look, "How can you be so nonchalant about this?"

Zeba shrugged, "What else should I say? The man doesn't seem to settle for just one round; he needs more than five."

The room fell into an uneasy silence until Farah slammed her hand on the desk, "Stop talking, both of you! I'm working on something here."

Noor and Zeba both exchanged glances and sighed.

With newfound silence, Farah delved deeper into the process. She went through the virtual shadows, guided by her familiarity with the dark web's intricacies. Farah's mouse clicked on a discreet link, leading her to a forum where skilled hackers exchanged information. Here, she hoped to find an exploit for the specific model of Prof. Syed's phone. 

Encountering the first hurdle, Farah faced a secure gateway demanding a decryption key. Unfazed, she deployed CipherSeeker, a hacking tool designed for cracking complex encryption. Lines of code cascaded across the screen as she patiently awaited the program's attempts to decipher the digital lock.

"Farah, any progress?" Noor asked. 

"It's not working. I need something more advanced." Farah told. 

Minutes passed without success and frustration etched onto Farah's face. She shifted tactics, entering a hidden chat room within the hacking community.

Farah typed message - 

"CipherSeeker isn't breaking through. Need advice. Any ideas?"

In a hidden chat room, Shadowbyte, renowned for expertise in infiltrating mobile devices, responded promptly. 

"Try CodeWarp. It excels in smartphone breaches. Download it and follow the commands precisely."

Farah downloaded CodeWarp, initiating a brute-force attack to uncover weaknesses in the phone's security. The room's tension heightened as the hacking tool methodically tested combinations.

 "Farah, are you sure this will work?" Zeba asked. 

Farah replied, "I'm trying everything but it's difficult." 

She tried another message in the chatroom - "CodeWarp is making progress. Fingers crossed."

But Minutes ticked by, hope slowly fading as CodeWarp encountered resilience.

ShadowByte: "Looks tough. If it fails, switch to NetProbe."

Farah engaged NetProbe. Yet, the network defenses remained resilient, resisting Farah's relentless attempts.

ShadowByte (private message): Any progress?

Farah (typing): Network defenses strong. Need another angle.

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