Chapter 48 : Seeing the shipment.

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The black car glided to a stop in front of an unassuming house nestled in a tranquil suburban neighborhood. Ava, her brow furrowed in confusion, questioned Ibrahim, "Why are we here? I thought we were supposed to witness a shipment delivery."

Ibrahim smiled, "Oh, we will, baby girl. Just trust me."

They stepped out of the car, and Ibrahim led her toward the house. Though nothing could be revealed by its exterior. 

Ibrahim unlocked the door and they entered the house.The interior was a display of refined taste, adorned with exquisite artwork and elegant furniture. "This house is stunning," she remarked.

"Glad you appreciate it. Now, come along." Ibrahim told. He reached a painting hanging on the wall – an intricate piece that seemed out of place in the modest surroundings. With a deft movement, Ibrahim slid it aside, unveiling a retina scanner hidden behind it. Ava's eyes widened. "A retina scanner in a house? Seriously?" she exclaimed.

Ibrahim chuckled, "This is just the tip of the iceberg." He scanned his eyes, and with a subtle creaking, the bookshelf adjacent to them opened, revealing a hidden staircase.

Ava's eyes widened in surprise, "Am I in any movie set?" 

Behind the bookshelf was a hidden stairwell that led down into darkness. Ibrahim went towards the stairs and extended his hand to Ava, "Shall we?"

Ava hesitated but took his hand, "Where are we going?" 

Ibrahim replied, "Downstairs." The descent began, the air growing cooler with each step. The staircase seemed endless and Ava's heartbeat quickened. The darkness enveloped them.

"It's so dark." Ava murmured. Her grip on Ibrahim's hand tightened as if she was seeking reassurance. Ibrahim squeezed her hand, the touch firm yet gentle. "No need to be scared, Ava. I'm right here with you." 

Finally, they reached a dimly lit room. Ibrahim took out his phone and switched on the flashlight. The room was more like a empty garrage or a big hall. He led Ava to the corner. There was a lift. 

"A lift? Why are we going down more?" Ava asked. She darted her eyes darted around the room. 

"Ava, meet another layer of our security – the voice scanner," Ibrahim announced, guiding her towards the peculiar device on the wall.

Ava stared at the scanner in fascination. "What does it do?"

Ibrahim spoke a series of coded phrases into the scanner. With a soft hum, the lift's doors sliding open. He looked at Ava and told, "Only the right words open the doors and ofcourse only my voice can open it." 

Ava murmured, "you're like a secret agent of those movies."

Ibrahim laughed, "Not exactly, baby girl. More like a guardian of secrets."

They stepped into the lift, the doors closing behind them. Ibrahim selected a floor, and they descended into the depths of the underground.

Ava's mind buzzed with another questions. "Where does it lead?"

 "To a place where you'll find answers," Ibrahim replied mysteriously.

The lift reached its destination, opening to reveal a dimly lit underground warehouse. They stepped out of the lift.

The underground warehouse was vast, the air filled with the scent of metal and oil. 

Leading her into the expansive space, Ibrahim said,"Welcome to our little hideaway," 

Ava looked at him then again looked around her. She found herself in a scene straight out of a spy movie. Her eyes widened. Large trucks were being loaded with crates by a group of workers. Each person was carrying their task with precision. It looked like they were so trained in their jobs.

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