Chapter 109 : The Fireworks

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Ava and Elara, both siblings spent a pleasant time. Though Farah also came with Ava after attending class but she had left in the Evening, leaving Ava behind to spend more time with her brother. Ava and Elara enjoyed dinner together, shared stories childhood memories. However, amidst the pleasant atmosphere, Elara's negative comments about Ibrahim was constant. 

Elara's words were like poison, poisoning the otherwise cheerful atmosphere. Each barb felt like a dagger to her heart, twisting and turning in the vast desert of his disapproval. She knew he meant well. But it scorched her, its heat threatening to consume the love she held for Ibrahim, the man who made her heart sing. And Ava just listened silently. 

She wondered how long she could continue to bear this silent suffering. No it became unbearable. But what would happen when Elara discovered the depth of her love for Ibrahim? The mere thought sent shivers down her spine. 

Now Ava was cleaning dining table after dinner with wet tissues. She had to return to Rahman Mansion soon. With the table tidied up, Ava instinctively gathered the used tissues and walked towards the kitchen, heading for the trash bin. 

Elara, who was busy washing dishes, glanced over his shoulder, "Who will come to pick you up, Ava?" 

"I came with guards, so with them." Ava replied. 

Elara stopped his dishwashing, "Do you want me to drop you back?"

Ava shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "No, Elara. You don't need to trouble yourself. They'll take care of everything."

Washing his hands, Elara leaned against the counter, "You know, Ava, you've changed. A lot."

"Me?" Ava pointed herself.

Elara's lips curved into a sad smile, "All these branded clothes, this… luxurious life you lead. Sometimes, I wonder if I could ever afford this for you, what Ibrahim is giving you…maybe … maybe it's a blessing. You are living like a queen, safe and secure. But I .... I just can't stand Ibrahim. I just… I can't tolerate the man. But I'll stay silent. As long as he doesn't hurt you. But the day he does, the day I know it's his fault or his enemies… then that's when I break my silence."

Elara's words hung heavy in the air. Ava knew Elara wouldn't allow her to remain a bystander when it came to Ava's well-being.

"The day won't come, Elara. The day won't. Ibrahim takes care of me." She could only manage a weak murmur.

Elara sighed deeply, "Let's go. I'll walk you to your car."

Ava followed Elara out and they reached the building's entrance. And there, bathed in the moonlight, stood Ibrahim near the car, his arms crossed, his eyes fixed on Elara with an intensity. But Ava didn't noticed Ibrahim as she was walking thinking something while looking at the ground. 

"Look Ava. Your husband's here." Elara said, his voice betraying a hint of amusement. Even the nearer streetlight flickered mockly. 

Ava raised her head to see. Ibrahim was waiting for her? When did he arrived, and why hadn't he called to let her know, she would come downstairs sooner? Questions whirled in her mind but before she could voice them, Ibrahim approached them.

Ibrahim's lips curled into a mocking smile. "What are you doing these days, Police Officer?" he drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Elara's eyes narrowed, "Just trying to track down a certain… criminal these days."

Ibrahim's brow arched, a challenge gleaming in his eyes. "Splendid work, Officer. Hopefully, you'll catch him soon. A promotion might be in your future."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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