Chapter 97 : "Don't you... want to live with me?"

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The sunlight struggled to peek through the heavy drapes, casting dappled shadows on the polished marble floor of the Rahman Mansion dining hall. The air, still damp and chilly, held the lingering scent of rain and petrichor. Yet, a different kind of warmth emanated from the dinning hall. 

Ava sat comfortably on the sofa, her sky-blue knee-length dress flowing around her. Her long and black hair was secured by a simple hair clip. In the cool weather, she wrapped a black shawl around her shoulders for a little bit of warmth. In her lap, nestled amongst the folds of her shawl, was Tasha.

Ava's fingers danced through Tasha's soft fur, tracing circles on her tiny head and scratching behind her ears. Tasha, in turn, responded with a contented purr, her tail twitching like a metronome to the rhythm of their play.

"Did you sleep well dear?" Ava cooed. And Tasha batted at a loose strand of Ava's hair, a playful gleam in her eyes. "You looked so peaceful when you were asleep, like a tiny panther." Ava chuckled.

Across the open space, Aziza, and Aliya worked harmoniously in the kitchen, busily preparing breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and freshly baked breads wafted through the air. As they worked together, Aliya glanced toward the dining hall, her eyes filled with happiness as she observed Ava and Tasha playing. She had always yearned for a daughter-in-law like Ava – graceful, intelligent, and with a touch of innocence. Aliya's dream had finally come true. Ava was the perfect match for Ibrahim and the couple had become inseparable. 

Despite the challenges Ava had endured, including Ibrahim's kidnapping and forced marriage, she had emerged stronger and more resilient. Now, Ava blossomed into a woman who exuded kindness and grace. Aliya recalled the days when Ava remained silent and isolated, sitting alone in the bedroom. But now, Ava had found her voice and her happiness.

"Ava, my dear," Aliya called out, stirring her coffee, "Ibrahim should be waking up soon. Come, call him for breakfast."

Ava looked up from her playful game with Tasha, a soft smile lighting up her features. "Sure." she replied.

Leaving Tasha in dining hall, Ava headed towards their bedroom. Her silent steps led her past the familiar oak door, but when she pushed it open, the room was empty. Where was Ibrahim? Perhaps he was in study.

Her steps led her to his study. There he stood, silhouetted against the rain-streaked window, the morning light highlighting the broad expanse of his shoulders. In his hand, a cigarette danced between his fingers, the red ember a defiant spark in the muted morning.

Ava's smile evaporated, replaced by a familiar furrow of her brow. She didn't like his smoking. She had told him, pleaded with him, to quit this habit. Yet, here he was..... Though Ibrahim had not made any promises to quit that time. For a while, it seemed like he had indeed given it up. This was the first time she has caught him smoking since then. 

Ava went near him with crossed arms, "Ibrahim, Didn't I tell you not to smoke?"

Ibrahim turned behind to face her, the cigarette frozen between his fingers. A sigh escaped his lips as he leaned against the window grill, his eyes meeting Ava's, "Smoking is not a habit that can be discarded overnight, Baby Girl. It takes time."

Ava's brow found in sadness and anger. "Why don't you understand, Ibrahim?" she pleaded, "I cannot bear this habit of yours any longer."

"I know how much you dislike it, which is why I have refrained from smoking in your presence," Ibrahim explained in a soft voice. 

"So now you'll smoke secretly? How many cigarettes have you already consumed since this morning?" Ava demanded.

"Three," Ibrahim mumbled. He was acting like a husband who is scared by his wife. 

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