Chapter 17 : The New Couple in Town.

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The wedding just finished an hour ago. Ava stared at her reflection in the dressing table's mirror in the room. She was still in her white wedding gown. Her light makeup and maroon lipstick perfectly accentuated her features, but her eyes revealed the turmoil within her. 

She gazed at the diamond ring on her finger. The weight of the diamond ring on her finger brought back the memories of the wedding ceremony.

 Her mind wandered back to that moment, and the Imam's voice echoed in her ears, "Do you, Ibrahim Rahman, take Ava Lim to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you part?" 

Ava had looked into Ibrahim's eyes during that moment, searching for any sign of compassion or understanding. She had found none.

Ibrahim, looking into Ava's eyes and smiled. He said, "I accept."

"And do you, Ava Lim, take Ibrahim Rahman to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you part?" The imam asked again. 

Ava had hesitated for a second that felt like an eternity. Now there was no turning back. She had reluctantly whispered, "I do."

She remembered the sincerity in his gaze as he slid the diamond ring onto her trembling fingers. It marked the beginning of her journey into a marriage she hadn't chosen for herself, a life she had been forced into. As she relived the moment in her mind, her eyes filled with sadness.

Back in the present, Ava opened her eyes, and her gaze returned to the diamond ring that symbolized the reality she couldn't escape. The door to the room creaked open, and Ibrahim walked in. He was dressed in his wedding black suit. Ava quickly wiped away the tears that had welled up in her eyes. She couldn't let Ibrahim see her cry. 

Ibrahim stood at a distance and cast his gaze upon Ava, admiring her in silence. After a moment, he couldn't help but comment, "You looked beautiful at the wedding."

Under this situation, his compliment felt like a cruel irony. Ava chose not to respond and focused on removing her earrings. And then she caught his reflection in the mirror, she noticed he was unbuttoning his shirt.

Panic set in, and Ava quickly turned to face Ibrahim, her voice shaking as she asked, "Why are you undressing here in the room?"

Ibrahim paused for a moment, his shirt undone halfway. With a hint of a smirk, he asked, "Where should I go, baby girl?"

Ava retorted, "You can change inside your room. Why are you changing here in my room?"

Ibrahim finally removed his shirt, revealing his well-built, muscular body under the bright glow of the tube light. He smiled and said, "This is my room."

Shit !! Ava's thoughts raced. She had been living in his room since she lost consciousness !! Ava shifted her gaze to the side, "Then give me another room. I won't share a room with you."

Ibrahim walked in front of the mirror, where Ava was sitting. His reflection was showing on the mirror. Then he stated, "We are husband and wife now. Ofcourse we'll live under the same roof and in the same room."

Ava looked at their reflections in the mirror. She clenched her fists and reminded him, "You agreed to my condition that there won't be any physical contact."

Ibrahim casually put his hands in his pants pockets,"Baby girl, That doesn't mean we have to live in different rooms. I didn't marry you to be love in separately."

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