Chapter 66 : The Journey to Malacca.

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The sun began its ascent into the morning sky as Ibrahim guided the car through the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, embarking on a journey that would take them to the historical city of Malacca. Ibrahim was dressed in black leather jacket, white shirt underneath and jeans of dark shade. And Ava looked chic in a light yellow sundress. She was looking so fresh. And really enjoying the journey. The car's tires hummed a rhythmic tune on the open road, and the gentle breeze sifted through the slightly open windows.

The journey began with the sun casting its golden hues over Kuala Lumpur that gradually transformed into the serene expanse of the Malaysian countryside. Rolling hills and lush greenery provided a picturesque backdrop as the car navigated the winding roads.

"Ibrahim, what places will we pass by on our way to Malacca?" Ava couldn't contain her curiosity. 

Ibrahim, hands firmly on the wheel, glanced at her, "We'll pass by Seremban, known for its traditional Malay architecture. Then, we'll encounter the iconic Port Dickson, with its scenic beaches."

Ava's eyes lit up, "Stop anywhere in Seremban, please."

Ibrahim glanced at her again and nodded, "Sure, we can take a break at a coffee shop. Seremban has some quaint ones."

She again looked towards the window. The journey continued and they approached Seremban, the city unfolded before them like a canvas of cultural richness. The streets were lined with vibrant shopfronts. Traditional Malay architecture adorned the buildings, showcasing intricate details that hinted at the city's historical significance.

"Ibrahim, this place is amazing. Look at those buildings!" Ava exclaimed. 

Ibrahim smiled, his eyes reflecting the joy of seeing Ava captivated by the city. "Seremban has a unique charm. I'm glad you're enjoying it."

Ava couldn't help but marvel at the unique blend of old and new. The streets were alive with a dynamic energy, locals engaged in their daily activities against the backdrop of bustling markets and lively street vendors.

The car gracefully slid into a parking spot in front of a quaint coffee shop named "Kopi Nostalgia." The exterior exuded warmth with a wooden façade adorned by hanging plants, promising a journey into the past.. 

Ibrahim turned off the engine, and they stepped out onto the cobblestone path leading to the entrance. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air as they approached the entrance. Ibrahim held the door open, and they stepped into a space frozen in time.

The interior of "Kopi Nostalgia" was a visual feast of nostalgia, with vintage photographs adorning the walls. The background hum of an old-timey coffee grinder added to the charm.

The friendly barista welcomed them, suggesting their signature blends. Ibrahim proposed, "Let's try their traditional Nusantara coffee." Ava nodded. 

In a cozy corner, Ava and Ibrahim sat, enjoying the view of the lively street through the window. The coffee shop's patrons presented a vibrant scene – locals engaged in animated conversations, artists capturing moments in sketchbooks, and students immersed in study sessions. The barista soon presented them with steaming cups of Nusantara coffee, rich with aromatic spices that hinted at the region's cultural diversity.

The waiter, a young boy with a lively demeanor, approached their table with a tray of steaming cups. As he set down the coffee, his eyes widened in recognition.

"Mr. Ibrahim Rahman! You are here?" he exclaimed. 

Ibrahim smiled faintly. The waiter, thrilled to serve such a notable figure, hesitated before shyly asking, "Could I have your autograph, sir?"

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