Chapter 104 : Inside the Gym.

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With a gentle push, Ibrahim opened the heavy oak door, and what awaited him was a striking difference from the luxurious Rahman Mansion. Up on the top floor, hidden away like a secret sanctuary, was the gym. It had a unique style that blended industrial elements with modern aesthetics. The narrow windows allowed streams of sunlight to filter in, casting elongated shadows on the rows of machines that glistened with a polished sheen. The machines, made of shiny chrome and adorned with leather surfaces, looked both elegant and sturdy in the soft, muted light.

Ava's eyes widened. "Wow," she breathed, "Is this... your gym?"

Ibrahim chuckled, "Yes. But for today, it's your training ground."

"Training ground?" Ava looked at him, "Are you turning me into a black belt ninja now?"

He feigned seriousness, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Perhaps," he teased, his brown eyes sparkling with amusement, "But first, we start with the basics. Survival 101."

But atmosphere shifted subtly. The playful banter faded, replaced by a focused intensity that crackled in the air. Actually Ibrahim had to go office but now he had more important things to do. He slowly began to unbutton his shirt, one button at a time. Each button released with a soft click, revealing a glimpse of his sculpted chest beneath.

Ava's eyes followed his every movement. She watched as he threw his shirt nearby in bench. She blinked, a blush creeping up her cheeks despite the countless times she'd seen him shirtless. His broad shoulders and sculpted torso, usually clothed in power suits, now seemed raw and vulnerable under the gym's dim lights.

 "You will teach me like that?" Ava asked in disbelief.

Ibrahim noticed her flush, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Ofcourse, this way I can demonstrate better."

Now Ibrahim was standing before her with just his black pants. Ava swallowed hard, her gaze flickering between the sleek muscle of his bicep and the inviting dip of his collarbone. She felt like a character in a bodice-ripper, thrown into a scene of illicit training, and it sent a giddy mix of fear and excitement coursing through her.

Ava couldn't help but mutter under her breath, "You know all the tricks to make me uncomfortable."

Ibrahim's chuckle deepened, his gaze lingering on her flushed cheeks. "Alright, alright," he teased. "Come on, hit me."

Ava blinked, "Hit you?"

"Mmhmm, Show me your best punch, babygirl. Any where you like. My whole body is yours. I have to see your strength." Ibrahim confirmed, spreading his arms wide like a canvas.

 Ava's cheeks burned hotter. Anywhere she liked? His whole body was one thing to imagine it, another to be faced with the reality of his broad chest, the well defined abs. She swallowed, the sudden dryness in her throat making her gulp. The scent of his masculine cologne filling her senses. 

Taking a deep breath, she gathered her courage and aimed a hesitant punch towards his stomach. It landed with a soft thud, barely a whisper against his taut skin. 

Ibrahim chuckled, a deep rumble that tickled her ear. "Even ants bite with more energy, baby."

Ava pouted. What should she do? She didn't have any knowledge about self defence. Till now there were no need to learn that. She already had a brother who is police officer. 

Suddenly, He grabbed Ava's hand, pulling her close, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through her. "Imagine a stranger grabbed you like this," he murmured, his voice husky. "What would you do?"

Ava's heart hammered against her ribs. She instinctively tried to pull away, but Ibrahim's grip tightened, holding her captive. "Struggling won't help, Ava." he whispered, his breath warm against her ear. "Think and Act. I won't let you go if you just struggle."

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