Chapter 91 : The "not yet"

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"Finally, some normalcy amidst this chaos," Farah sighed, stirring the simmering pot of curry, the gentle aroma filling the small kitchen. Beside her, Zeba kneaded dough with practiced hands, her brow furrowed in concentration.

 "These past few days, I swear my stomach churned more from Prof. Syed's threats than actual hunger." Zeba muttered. 

Farah chuckled, shaking her head. "Honestly, girls, if you'd just told me sooner, we could've tackled this hydra-headed monster together. No need to face his slimy tentacles alone."

Zeba stopped her kneading, "We… we thought that by… by giving in, succumbing to his demands, somehow the videos would remain buried, his slimy claws wouldn't reach further."

Farah's smile faded, replaced by a steely resolve. "Giving in? Sacrificing your bodies? Zeba, That's never the answer. It gives him power, feeds the darkness within him. It's like pouring blood into a shark-infested ocean, inviting more predators."

Zeba's shoulders slumped, flour dusting the worn carpet like a silent confession. "We were scared, Farah. The thought of those videos… of everything exposed, plastered across the internet… it felt like the end."

Farah reached out, squeezing Zeba's hand. "I understand the fear, honey. This whole ordeal, it's a monstrous web designed to trap, to suffocate. But giving in only strengthens its hold. We fight back, together. 

A hesitant hope flickered in Zeba's eyes. "But… what about Mahi? The one he recorded while…"

"He won't dare release it," Farah said, "If that video gets leaked, it'll be his downfall, not Mahi's. His face will be plastered alongside hers, the world will see him for the predator he is. And let's not forget, Mahi wasn't a willing participant. He forced himself on her, that's rape, plain and simple."

Zeba's eyes widened, "You really think so? You think he wouldn't use it to hurt her more?"

"I do," Farah stated, her conviction unwavering. "And besides, we have Professor Siti on our side. I haven't told her everything, but if Professor Syed does anything, I'll expose him completely. Then, we can think about legal actions..."

The doorbell rang.

Farah took off her apron, "Probably Ava. She messaged saying she'd drop by, but please, not a word about Syed. Her marriage is already stressing her out."

Zeba nodded slightly, "I can take care of Kitchen. You two enjoy."

And Farah reached for the door, the smile on her face faltering slightly. As she opened it, her eyes widened. Ava stood on the doorstep, a bright smile radiating from her face. But behind her, stood Samir. 

"Farah!" Ava pulled her friend into a warm embrace. "It feels like years."

Farah returned the hug but her gaze was fixed on Samir. Fara couldn't help but inquire, "Why is he here?" 

Ava pulled away from the embrace and introduced Samir to Farah, "Samir is my brother-in-law. He came to drop me off." 

Samir asked, "Nice to meet you again. How are you, Ms. Farah?" 

Ava seemed surprised by Samir's question. Because, infront of her they never met, "I didn't know you too knew each other."

Farah nodded and forced a smile, "Yes, We met. So..... Mr. Samir Rahman. Thanks for dropping off my bestfriend. I'll take care of Ava from now on." 

"Just doing my brotherly duty..." Samir tried to say something more, but was cut off abruptly as Farah closed the door with a thud, making her attitude towards him unmistakably clear. After meeting Samir at the restaurant, She felt a pang of annoyance, a prickle of something she couldn't quite place.

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