Chapter 37 : "Just Say Yes Ava."

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Farah's phone buzzed, and a smile lit up her face when she saw Elara's name flashing on the screen. Answering the call, she greeted him, "Hello Mister."

Elara's voice on the other end held a serious note. "Farah, I hope you saw the news."

"Crimson Lounge?" Farah inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Elara confirmed it, prompting Farah to close her laptop, preparing for a more serious conversation. 

"Yes, can you tell me if Adam or Amir had any kind of relationship with Ava?" Elara inquired. 

Farah furrowed her brow. "Why the sudden interest in Adam and Amir's connection with Ava?"

Choosing his words carefully, Elara replied, "Just asking." He couldn't tell anything about the ongoing investigation. 

Farah didn't pry further and shared what she knew.

"I didn't see Ava with Amir, but Adam did apologize recently infront of other students in University Cafeteria. He misbehaved with Ava." 

Elara furrowed his brow and leaned back on his chair, "Misbehaved?"

"Amir and Adam were infamous. They made girls uncomfortable, leaked private photos, blackmailed them – you name it. Everyone hated them for that. But don't worry, Adam didn't disturb Ava in that way." Farah reassured.

"Thanks, Farah, for the information. I'll..." Elara began to express his gratitude.

Cutting him off, Farah insisted, "I won't accept thanks like this."

Elara sighed. He knew what Farah wanted. "Okay, be ready at 7 in the evening today.


It became evening. Ibrahim was with Ava the whole day. And they fought with each other more than 10 times. 

Ava sat at her desk, textbooks spread out in front of her as she focused on her studies. The room was filled with the hushed ambiance of her concentrated efforts. Ibrahim entered, his presence immediately drawing her attention away from the textbooks.

"Time to go, baby girl," Ibrahim declared, leaning against the door frame. 

Ava glanced at the clock, her expression unyielding. "Ibrahim, I've told you, my exams are in a month. I can't just drop everything."

Crossing his arms, Ibrahim's gaze bore into her. "Exams won't change anything. You're coming with me to Rahman Mansion."

Ava sighed, meeting his determined stare. "Ibrahim, I need to study. I can't compromise on my exams."

Stepping closer, Ibrahim's tone grew firm. "Your exams can wait. But I can't. Rahman Mansion is your priority now."

Ava shook her head. "Ibrahim, I can't study there. I need my books, my notes. I can't just leave everything behind."

But Ibrahim was Ibrahim. His patience waning, Ibrahim stated, "You can study there. I'll make sure you have everything you need."

Ava resisted again. "No, Ibrahim. I need this month to prepare. I promise I'll come willingly after my exams."

Ibrahim's resolve strengthened. "No more waiting. You're coming with me now. I won't repeat Ava. You have stayed here enough." 

Ava was refusing to back down, "My home is where I choose it to be. And right now, it's here, preparing for my exams."

Ibrahim took a deep breath. "Ava, I won't repeat myself. Pack your things. We're leaving. Your place is with me."

Ava throw the pen in the corner in frustration, "Fine, if you won't help me, I won't go."

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