Chapter 30 : Missing His Wife.

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Faisal watched as Ibrahim moved a chair to one corner of the room. They were settling the room of Ibrahim and Ava, as the old room has been burnt. Everyone in the mansion were tensed how the fire had initiated. But Ibrahim told everyone that it was a short circuit. It was not good to tell wife's secret or her wrong deed to share everyone in in-laws. Even when their relationship was going on a rough road. 

Faisal chuckled, "Boss, why are you doing all this yourself? We have an army of helpers in this mansion."

Holding a toolbox, Ibrahim shot Faisal a stern look. "I wanted to handle it personally, Faisal. Don't question my choices." 

With a smirk, Faisal replied, "Alright, alright, Boss. As you wish. But don't strain those muscles too much; we need them intact for business."

Ibrahim grunted in acknowledgment and focused on assembling a chair. 

But Faisal couldn't resist teasing, "You know, Boss, if you keep doing this, people might mistake you for a regular guy, not a mafia kingpin."

Ibrahim shot him a glare, "Watch your words, Faisal."

"I mean, imagine, Ibrahim Rahman, the fearsome mafia boss, assembling furniture. What would your rivals think?" Faisal continued.

Ibrahim's gaze remained steady. "They'll think I can handle everything. Now, pass me that screwdriver."

Faisal handed him the tool, chuckling. "Boss, you're unbelievable. So, what's the real reason behind this DIY extravaganza?"

Ibrahim paused for a moment, "Ava's not here. I needed something to occupy my mind." 

Faisal's tone softened. "Missing her, huh?"

Ibrahim grunted in response. He was trying to appear unfazed, but the slight reddening of his ears betrayed him. "Just focus on setting up the furniture. Leave Ava out of it."

But Faisal, being Faisal, "Ah, our fierce mafia boss turns into a romantic at heart. Who would've thought?"

Attempting to disassemble another chair, Ibrahim growled, "Faisal, shut up and help me with this. Before you become the target of my frustration."

Faisal laughed, "Alright, alright. No need to get all worked up. But seriously, Ibrahim, you're acting like a teenager with his first crush."

Ibrahim paused for a moment, a rare smile playing on his lips, "Maybe I am."

The hammer in hand, Faisal told, "Why don't you just call Ava? It might make you feel better."

 Ibrahim was busy with the bed frame. He sighed, "And say what exactly? 'Hey Ava, just assembling a bed here and thought of you'?"

Faisal grinned, "Well, you could start with a simple 'How are you?' It's not rocket science, Ibrahim."

Ibrahim scoffed, "Our relationship is far from simple, Faisal. It's not the typical husband-wife scenario."

Faisal shrugged, "Doesn't mean you can't ask about her well-being. Besides, you two are stuck with each other, might as well make the best of it."

Ibrahim continued securing the bed frame, "She's with her brother for a few days. I doubt she wants to hear from me."

Faisal insisted, "You never know until you try. A little concern won't hurt. Maybe she appreciates it."

Ibrahim gave Faisal a skeptical look, "Appreciation and Ava Lim in the same sentence? I'm not taking that risk."

Faisal smirked, "So, you're just going to avoid talking to her until she magically falls for you?"

Ibrahim shot him a look, "I'm not expecting magic, Faisal. I just want to give her some space."

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