Chapter 27 : Ava's secret is no longer a Secret.

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Ibrahim, leaning forward with a serious expression, rested his hands on his knees. "You don't even have any burn injuries. Isn't that odd? Unless... unless you started the fire?"

Ava was taken aback. She choked on water and started to cough. 

When the her coughing subsidised, she demanded, "What are you talking about? Why would I start a fire?"

Ibrahim remained calm as he became to know all about Ava's plan. "I'm not a fool, Ava. If you attempted such a dangerous act, you would have planned it well. Now tell me, why did you start the fire?"

Ava couldn't believe Ibrahim had caught her so easily. This time, she decided not to play games. Arms crossed, she confessed, "I got angry because you didn't let me go to my apartment."

Ibrahim enjoyed the moment. It was like playing a game with Ava. He asked, "How?" 

With a resigned sigh, Ava shifted her gaze to the ceiling. She didn't know what would Ibrahim do next. 

Ibrahim again asked, "How did you initiate the fire, Ava?"

Ava looked at Ibrahim, "I got a lighter inside of a drawer. Initially, I ignited the curtains, then proceeded to the mattress."

"Impressive. What motive fueled this act?" Ibrahim praised her. 

Gripping the blanket tightly, Ava hesitated before revealing, "I wanted to prove that not only you, I can issue threats too. If you persist in keeping me from my apartment, I will... I will set the entire Rahman mansion on fire."

Ibrahim began to laugh. Ava didn't expect Ibrahim to laugh at her admission. His amusement only fueled her frustration.

 He leaned forward, asking, "What did you want to achieve by threatening me like this, Ava?"

Ava tried to find the right words. "I wanted my freedom."

Ibrahim was looking puzzled, "Haven't I granted you freedom? You attend university, socialize at cafes and restaurants with friends."

However, Ava's definition of freedom extended beyond these visible aspects, "Freedom is more than that. It's about being able to go anywhere alone, without the constant surveillance. You track my phone, scrutinize every message and phone call—there's no privacy in my life."

Ibrahim was getting angry inside. But he wasn't kind of those men who show his anger on their women. He was doing those for her safety. But He couldn't let her know all.

A heavy sigh escaped Ibrahim's lips, "After your discharge, you can reside in your apartment with Elara, but....." 

And Ava's expression suddenly changed from angry to joy. She happily exclaimed, "Really? When will I be discharged?"

Ibrahim chuckled by her reaction. She was looking like a child as if she got her favourite toy. Then Ibrahim said, "Let me finish first, Baby Girl." 

Ava nodded, "Okay."

Ibrahim continued, "However, there are conditions. You must stay in constant communication with me, and your phone should never be switched off. Whenever I'll call you have to receive quickly."


The next afternoon bathed the hospital room in soft sunlight. Farah, armed with a tray of food, approached Ava, "Come on, Ava, you need to eat more." 

However, Ava was in no mood to comply, "Farah, I appreciate the effort, but I'm really not hungry,"

Farah adopted a mock stern expression. "You can't escape my feeding mission. Open your mouth wide!" she declared, wielding a spoon like a seasoned warrior.

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