Chapter 44 : "The thing we haven't done yet."

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In the cool night, the darkened streets of Kuala Lumpur stretched before them as Samir drove the car with ease. While Ibrahim seated beside Samir. 

Samir stole a glance at his older brother, couldn't help but notice the furrow on Ibrahim's usually composed brow. "Why so serious, Ibrahim? Enjoy the show." 

"It's not as entertaining as you think," Ibrahim replied. 

"What's bothering you? Rafi's wife is asking for a divorce – that's a spectacle!" Samir asked. 

Ibrahim sighed, "It's not about Rafi. It's something else."

Samir raised an eyebrow. "Come on, spill it. What's got the mighty Ibrahim Rahman feeling blue?"

"I proposed to Ava yesterday." Ibrahim shared. 

Samir's eyes widened with disbelief. "Wait, what? You proposed to Ava? But you two are already married! What kind of proposal happens after marriage?"

Ibrahim's face remained stoic, "It's complicated. I wanted to make things right."

Samir was trying to make sense, "So, what? Did you get down on one knee and ask, 'Will you marry me again?'"

Ibrahim shot Samir a look. "It wasn't like that. I just wanted to express my feelings."

Samir chuckled, "Bro, you're rewriting the rules of marriage proposals. Next, you'll be planning a surprise engagement party for the two of you."

Ibrahim's eyes narrowed, "Just drive the car, Samir."

Samir Chuckled. And in the meantime, they reached The Rahman Mansion and the car glided through the gates of the Mansion.

Both brothers stepped out of the car and entered the mansion. While going through the hall Ibrahim's eyes caught Yasmeen, carrying a bowl of soup.

"Yasmeen, for whom is that soup?" Ibrahim asked. 

Yasmeen explained, "Sir, it's for Ava ma'am. She said she won't take dinner, so..."

"Set the dinner. Ava will come." Ibrahim ordered. 

Yasmeen asked, "So, sir, this soup?"

Samir chimed in, "Give it to me. I'm hungry." Taking the bowl, Samir headed to his room. 

Ibrahim also went towards his room. In front of his room, Ibrahim took a deep breath. He hesitated to open it. They both didn't talk after the Ibrahim's proposal. Ibrahim went early to work and at that time Ava didn't wake up. But now he was thinking how to communicate with her.

Ava meticulously was arranging her thick books into the closet. The book shelves were already filled to capacity. So she had to find an alternative sanctuary for her cherished volumes. 

After arranging the books, Ava closed the door with a satisfied exhale. However, as she turned, she was startled by the appearance of Ibrahim. Blinking in surprise, Ava voiced her question, "When did you come?"

"Just now," Ibrahim replied. He was calm and composed.

Ava was momentarily surprised. She questioned herself, had she been so absorbed in her task that the subtle creak of the opening door went unnoticed? Nervously tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear, she told, "Maybe I didn't hear."

Moving toward her bed, Ava tried to convey her focus on studies by reaching for a book from her bedside table. Ibrahim observed her actions, inquired, "Didn't you go to the university today?"

Ava shook her head in no. 

Ibrahim took off his suit and asked, "Why didn't you go?"

"Exams next month. Better to study at home," Ava replied, her gaze still fixed on the book in her hands.

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