Chapter 60 : Another Day of Teaching Her.

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Jessica stood at the front door and the group turned their attention toward her. Zebi, Noor, Mahi, and Farah exchanged curious glances, not expecting Jessica's unexpected visit. And the main fact was, Jessica wasn't a familiar face among their close-knit group.

Jessica inquired, "Can I come in?"

Everyone looked at each other again, a silent agreement passing between them that they didn't have much of a connection with Jessica. They were silently questioning how Jessica, a classmate with whom they didn't share a close bond, ended up at their doorstep.

"Sure," Mahi added, gesturing for Jessica to come in. After all, it wasn't their style to turn someone away.

Once inside, Jessica looked around at the somewhat chaotic scene of cleaning. She raised an eyebrow, "Am I interrupting something?"

Farah, still holding the mop, shook her head, "No, just our weekly cleaning. So what brings you here?" She gestured Jessica to sit on the stool and Jessica accepted the offer. 

Maintaining an air of confidence, Jessica explained, "Well, my room owner dropped a bombshell and asked me to vacate the place. Apparently, they're moving to another city, and I need to find a new place quickly."

 "That's quite sudden. Do you have a place to stay?" Mahi asked. 

Jessica told, "Not yet, that's why I'm here. Can I crash with you guys for a few days until I figure something out?"

The quartet exchanged hesitant glances, clearly unsure about inviting someone they didn't know well into their living space. But the idea of turning away someone in need didn't sit well with them.

Zebi voiced their collective uncertainty, "I mean, it's a bit unexpected. Are you sure you'll find a place in a few days? It's not easy to secure housing in Kuala Lumpur on short notice."

With a confident demeanor, Jessica tossed her curly hair back and responded, "Trust me, I've got this. I don't plan on being a burden. Just need a temporary spot until I figure things out."

Noor chimed in, "Are you sure about this? We don't want any awkward roommate situations."

Jessica smirked, "Don't worry. I'm low maintenance. You won't even know I'm here."

With a collective nod and a sense of cautious acceptance, the group agreed to let Jessica stay for a few days. Zebi, Noor, Mahi, and Farah exchanged glances, silently contemplating the unexpected turn of events.

Zebi spoke up, "Alright, Jessica. You can stay for a bit. But, you know, it's a student apartment, not a luxury hotel."

Jessica chuckled, "Don't worry, I'm not expecting room service. I just need a place to crash temporarily."

"So, when are you planning to move in?" Farah asked.

Jessica tilted her head and replied, "I'll bring my stuff tomorrow. Hope that works for you all."

Noor nodded, "Sure, tomorrow it is. We'll make some space for you."


Ava meticulously went through each shopping bag, unfolding the clothes with a mixture of surprise and disbelief. She couldn't fathom how Ibrahim managed to find the exact replicas of her previous clothes, from the color to the size. Her bed was now adorned with bags filled with these new clothes. 

Ava couldn't help but express her amazement, "Ibrahim really did it. How on earth did he find the exact same pieces? It's like a magic trick."

In the midst of her thoughts, Yasmeen, the maid, entered the room, visibly flustered. Ava noticed her heavy breathing and questioned, "Yasmeen, why are you breathing so fast?"

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