Chapter 96 : "Keep your fantasies to yourself"

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In Samir's office cabin, the lights from the bulbs illuminated the room, casting a warm glow. The sound of rain pouring outside created a soothing ambiance, while the television played in the background, reporting on the upcoming storm in Kuala Lumpur. The anchor's voice, crisp and urgent, filled the room:

"Residents of Kuala Lumpur are advised to stay indoors. Winds exceeding 120 kilometers per hour, coupled with torrential rain, are expected to batter the city from midnight onwards. The Meteorological Department has issued a red alert, warning of heavy rainfall and strong winds… potential flash floods and landslides are possible… please take necessary precautions…"

Samir leaned back in his chair, the leather creaking beneath him. His gaze flickered between the rain-streaked cityscape outside and the grim weather report on the screen. Across from him, Faisal diligently reviewed a stack of reports, the rhythmic scratching of his pen the only other sound in the hushed room. They had to take care of the works as Ibrahim was absent today. Ibrahim took a break for a day to give some time to Ava.

Samir's mind drawn to a different kind of storm brewing within him. A name played on his lips: Farah. The memory of her defiant stance, the way she'd slammed the door shut after Ava entered her apartment, sent a smirk curling his lips. 

He liked her fire, her boldness, her unapologetic nature. But there was a thorn in this blooming rose - Elara. It seemed Elara was thorn of both Rahman brothers. 

"That smile, Samir," Faisal asked, "tells me you've stumbled upon something interesting."

Samir chuckled, "Maybe, Maybe I have."

Papers rustled in his hands, reports forgotten as Faisal stole glances at his friend. "What's going on with you, Samir? That smile could light up the whole city."

"I've started to like someone." Samir replied. 

Silence descended. Faisal raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Who is she?"

Samir tilted his head, a faint blush crawling up his neck. "Let's just say she's fiery, independent, and… well, she knows how to slam a door with enough force to rattle your bones."

Faisal laughed, "Sounds like you've found yourself a challenge, brother. But remember not to go through with same process as Ibrahim." 

"No way," Samir declared. "I'll never force her. But…" his gaze narrowed, "I will try to approach her. On my own terms." 

Samir loved his brother but Ibrahim's methods were… unorthodox. No, he wouldn't follow that path. Not with Farah. He stood from the chair, "Leaving the office to you and those reports. Put them in Ibrahim's table when you're done."

Before Faisal could reply, Samir had already left. Faisal shook his head, muttering under his breath, "God help these brothers and their sudden infatuation with fiery women. First Ibrahim with Ava, now Samir with Farah."

Samir walked briskly through the parking lot of Rahman Enterprises, his phone clutched tightly in his hand. Before opening the car door, he scrolled through his contacts, searching for Farah's number. He had managed to obtain it from their chatroom, eager to connect with her outside of their usual interactions.

He dialed Farah's number, but to his disappointment, there was no response. He tried again, hoping for a different outcome, but her phone continued to ring unanswered.

Frustration began to creep into his mind as he unlocked the car and settled into the driver's seat. His fingers tapped restlessly on the steering wheel. Why wouldn't she pick up Though it was the first time, Samir was calling her. 

With a sigh, Samir pulled out of the parking lot, the rain-slicked roads snaking through the bustling heart of Kuala Lumpur. Neon signs bled into the night, their reflections shimmering like fragmented jewels on the wet asphalt.

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