Chapter 80 The male insect that won't eat anything

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Yahs's reply was not a reply, but a declaration of war, and its final destination was also torn into pieces and destroyed.

Lovell became murderous.

Since Siyorai intends to seek death, there is no reason not to fulfill his wish.

It's just that the Dark Star Territory is not as good as the Empire, and the Erich family can't get involved. It's difficult to get in touch with Siolai, so they can only lure him out.

But even if they successfully lure Siolai out, whether they can successfully assassinate them is another matter. Arthur and Roroye who are still in the Dark Star Territory are insect pests, and they cannot escape death.

The best way is to let Siolai send Arthur and Roroye out personally, and then take advantage of this opportunity to surround and kill him.

Back then, so many insects were dispatched in the Dark Star Territory but they could not kill Siolai. Lovell also knew that the young generation of the Erich family alone had no chance at all.

Then he thought of one of the three marshals of the empire, the female monarch of Erich's previous head of the family, Kalendo.

In Lovell's view, Kalendo is a very deep-seated, sanctimonious female insect. A large part of the tragedies in the Erich Castle were caused by him.

He is always smiling on the surface, but his smile does not reach his eyes. He treats the female insects of the Erich family as if they were his subordinates or captives. He has absolute control over them and can manipulate them at will without any tolerance. There was a little bit of resistance.

It wasn't until Lovell's male father passed away, the castle was sealed, and all the females dispersed, that Cullenton seemed to lose interest all of a sudden. Perhaps he knew that his time had passed and let go of control, gradually Weakened his sense of presence in the family.

However, although Kalendo is cruel to the female insects, he has always liked Lovell. Even now, he has not given up showing his kindness to Lovell, and will send some gifts every once in a while.

But no matter what, Lovell doesn't like him, and even his female son Tibil has basically no contact with Lovell. He is a complete fringe in the Erich family.

Tibil is different from his female father. He is docile and timid, and has no outstanding talents. He has been inconspicuous since he was a child. If he didn't have a female father like Kalendo, Lovell might not even be able to remember him. his name.

Tibil liked Lovell as much as his female father, and his eyes lit up when he saw Lovell. He once plucked up the courage to apply to serve Lovell for a day, but due to nervousness, he did the wrong thing and was killed by Lovell. I scolded him and retreated into my turtle shell from then on.

Now, even if he meets Lovell infrequently, he only dares to call the owner of the family in the smallest voice, which will not attract a look from Lovell.

It is precisely because of his personality that it would be a disaster if he got married. Kalendo, who knew how fierce the competition among females was, kept him by his side.

Fortunately, Tibil did not show any intention of marrying an insect, so Calendo used his rights to arrange a civilian position for him in the military department. Later, he was promoted through the back door, and now his achievements are basically the same as those of Daolo.

For the first time, Lovell thought of Kalundo, which made him a little happy. Even if he was given a particularly "excessive" task when he arrived, Kalundo was not too surprised and accepted it with a smile.

The female bug I raised is a bit rebellious [Zerg]Where stories live. Discover now