Chapter 117 On the verge of breaking out

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Lovell became a reward imprisoned in the tower, but his identity did not change. The knights who "escorted" him into the tower were respectful and did not put any restraints on him or touch him.

The inside of the tower has already been arranged in a way suitable for Lovell to live in. There are palace insects inside to take care of him. Because he is sick, there are also several royal doctors who will not treat him badly in terms of food and clothing.

But even if you do all the superficial work, you can't change the fact that this is actually a prison.

Daolo, who came with Lovell, was also given to Weilan by the Insect Emperor and given to him as a female slave, and was taken away by force.

Since the honor and disgrace of the family mainly depends on the head of the family, Luo Feier was punished, so naturally the Insect Emperor would not leave out Erich's house females.

The Insect Emperor ordered that all the insects of the Erich family who were in the army and politics were demoted three levels in a row. Those who were in business, medicine and other professions were demoted to female slaves and auctioned at a later date. This included even the female Erich family of the previous generation, Sosai. Ka's female servants and slaves.

This almost made it clear that the Erich family would be completely cut off.

As soon as this order was announced, everyone was shocked. They didn't know what the Insect Emperor was going to do. After all, everything was calm before and Lovell was not at fault.

I was really confused, so some insects connected Lovell and Mingxi. I guessed that it was because Mingxi had a grudge against Lovell before his death, so the insect emperor took it out on Lovell.

Although using Lovell as a reward will arouse the fighting spirit of most female insects, honestly speaking, they do not want Lovell to be humiliated.

The S-class male insect has been a treasure held by the Zerg for thousands of years. It is born noble and can even be said to be the representative of the empire.

The Insect Emperor's move was equivalent to the Empire itself trampling its own face on the ground. No matter how sad the Insect Emperor was, or how wrong Lovell was, they should not have made such a ridiculous decision.

If the royal family does not give a reasonable reason, the people will not agree.

It's just that the voices of the people have never reached the ears of the Insect Emperor. He acts recklessly without considering the consequences. At this moment, he only feels happy and proud.

The real ruler of the empire, Gahuaye is the first and the second.

The Insect Emperor can punish Lovell or demote the Erich family. That is the Insect Emperor's right, but it should not be done in such an insulting way, nor should it be as if it wants to eradicate Erich from the empire. .

To do everything possible without leaving any room is to force rebellion.

The royal family is for honor, but this does not mean that the ancient families are too weak to resist.

The empire was far from being as simple as the Insect Emperor had seen. The forces of all parties were complex, and the families were like the roots of a big tree, connected and entangled. As a powerful family that had never fallen in the empire, the Erich family had the capital to easily shake the empire.

Although the male insects are the objects of worship of the entire family and are apparently in power, in fact they are only responsible for doing evil, eating, drinking and having fun. They don't even know how deep their family background is, and naturally they don't know the seriousness of the matter.

The female bug I raised is a bit rebellious [Zerg]Where stories live. Discover now