Chapter 109 A little confirmation

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Yaches seemed to be able to control his body to a certain extent. After the bone wings were removed, there was no sign of growing back. The gap turned into the same smooth skin as elsewhere, and was quickly covered by scales.

All the Erich family females were in a daze, unable to recover from Mingxi's death.

According to common sense, the murder of the prince would make them extremely angry. Even if they hunted him to the ends of the earth, they would not let him go. They would make him suffer to death and apologize for the entire Zerg race.

But the current situation is that the criminal is their brother who made his own decision, and although the head of the family didn't know about it before, he was very satisfied with the result, and even gave Tibil a promise to come back if he survived.

Lovell wants Mingxi to die.

On one side is the head of the family, on the other is the empire. Before the female gets married, these two are almost all they have in their lives. Originally there was no conflict in being loyal to both of them at the same time, but now, they are placed on opposite sides.

They are normal female insects, not as crazy as Tibil, and will not waver in their loyalty and support for Lovell, but they cannot ignore Mingxi's death. They are being pulled repeatedly in their hearts and subconsciously choose to escape.

The insects that came to the Erich family this time were all military females, who were very sensitive to battles and battle-related things. They guarded Daolo and disassembled the bone wings of Yaches, and after moving out of Lovell's bedroom, they Everyone turned their attention to the bone wings and swarmed around them.

As a result, no one went into the small dark room to collect Mingxi's body that was beheaded by Tibil and left there, leaving it lying alone.

Who could have imagined that the crown prince of the empire would be so miserable when he died...

Daolo and the others know how to numb themselves, and they are all professionals and very knowledgeable.

I found that the material of this bone wing is special, it looks like bone but not bone. Judging from how much energy impact it can withstand, it is the only one at that time. Whether it is used to make cold weapons or weapons, it will definitely show produce unexpected effects.

If it were handed over to the insects of the Imperial Weapons Research Department, there might be a major breakthrough.

But they were just discussing and fantasizing, and would not actually hand it over. Lovell meant to hide the secret of Yaches, let alone the bone wings. The entire spaceship would be reduced to ashes in the end.

Yahus's bone wings alone can have such a miraculous effect, let alone himself. He is as powerful as the bugs who studied biological viruses at the time hoped. The immortal invincible army is not just a dream.

But the more dangerous something is, the harder it is to control it. It is a double-edged sword, and one is enough to make them afraid. If there are many existences like Yaches, how can the Zerg control one that is several times more powerful than themselves? A "new race" with violent temperaments that can feed on them.

But some insects are always conceited and greedy. They only see what is in front of them and do not consider the consequences.

The Erich family females, who saw with their own eyes the tragedy caused by Yachus, unanimously decided that the secret of Yachus should be buried forever, and no more insects should know about it except the ones they already knew.

Although the broken bone wing of Yaches has healed, the lingering pain is still there. He was previously comatose because his body lacked energy and fell into dormancy. Now he wakes up and has no energy. He feels sleepy and wants to sleep, but he wants to cause destruction because of discomfort.

The female bug I raised is a bit rebellious [Zerg]Where stories live. Discover now