Chapter 115 The Empire is Small

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Yachus really remembered his lesson and never tried to leave Lovell quietly to "hunt for treasure" again because he changed his strategy.

Since he can't go out alone, shouldn't he just take Lovell out with him?

It's a pity that Lovell didn't agree. He should have been warned to calm down.

After the news of Mingxi's death came back, the whole country had to mourn for him. No entertainment venues were open, and even laughter was not allowed. There were only military females patrolling the streets, and there were only a few insects. These days would last for a month. .

During this period, any insect's nerves would be very tense. There would be a grand funeral that Lovell would attend later, so he had to try his best to keep a low profile, not attract the insect's attention, and spend this period of time calmly.

In order to consume Yaches's excess energy, all the insects in the Erich family except Arthur and Tiber became sparring partners and were beaten in the underground fighting arena of the castle.

They worked very hard to accompany Jia Jun, but they were only allowed to fight, not kill, which was far from Yahus's standard of venting, so it was of little use, and he became more and more irritable.

On an ordinary night, Yaches came out of the underground fighting arena. He was about to take a shower before going to find Lovell, when he bumped into a female with silver hair and purple eyes, and a smile that was always a little frivolous. .

According to legend, Xiolai, who went on a trip and was pursued by all parties but could not find any trace of insects, appeared here. After he looked up and down at Yahus's current appearance, he said quietly: "I heard that Mingxi is dead. I was originally I still guessed it wasn't you, but now I'm a little unsure."

It was in vain to teach him not to attack high-level males for so long.

Yahus didn't know there was something behind his words. He felt that Siolai had come at the right time, so he waved his hand and punched him. Siolai blocked the blow almost with a bang.

They started fighting, and the commotion was very loud. Soon all the female insects in the castle arrived. They thought it was an invasion from a foreign enemy, but they all watched peacefully, thinking that it would be a good time for Yaches to vent his anger.

But when I looked at it, I felt something was wrong. Even though this "foreign enemy" looked similar to Yaches, the two insects miraculously fought back and forth.

Anyone who is not stupid can guess that this "foreign enemy" should be the Siyorai they are looking for.

Da'olo immediately asked Chong to inform Lovell, saying: Chong came to his door by himself.

An hour later, Siolai, who was already covered in colors, was brought to Lovell. Facing a group of eagerly watching military females around him, he sat down easily and naturally: "I didn't expect that Yaches would become like this. Yes, you are still willing to have him."

Lovell mocked him: "Now you are finally ready to give it up? Mingxi has Yachs's brainwashing sound wave on the same frequency. You gave it to her, right?"

"It's me." Siyoulai admitted simply, changing the topic: "But I didn't expect that Yachs would be forced to awaken the biological virus."

Mingxi is domineering, Melifu is scheming, and Lovell seems to be peaceful, but in fact he is not a fuel-efficient lamp. The situation in the Dark Star Territory is like drifting in the wind and snow.

So Siolai and Melif reached an agreement secretly and tricked Yahus. The first purpose was to stabilize them first, and the second was to test whether Lovell would protect Yahus.

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