Chapter 113 You kid

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I have never heard of marrying just one. Even if Lovell doesn't take the ordinary path, he still has to ask the Insect Emperor and the people if they agree. It is a shameful act to waste the excellent blood of an S-class male insect!

Weilan tried to calm down his mood. If he continued to talk to Lovell, he might also become "sick".

Now that things have happened, it is no longer something that can be explained by Lovell's bad character. How much hatred must be there to make things difficult for him.

Weilan even wondered if Lovell hated Wu Jiwu. Because he hated the emperor's brother, he also regarded him as a thorn in his side and deliberately played tricks on him.

He didn't believe a word of Luofel's nonsense. He wanted to go back to the palace to complain and ask his father to arrange a lot of female slaves and attendants for him to see if he would dare to open his mouth and say anything in the future.

Weilan cursed as he left, forgetting about the chance to meet Daolo.

He rushed back to the palace without stopping to find the Insect Emperor, complaining that Lovell not only kept Daolo from him, but also said nonsense that he would only marry a female insect in the future.

Moreover, he has another pet, an insect beast. This one is not as good as the last one. At least the young female last time was pretty good-looking when she grew up. Now this insect beast is so bad that it will give you nightmares at night if you look at it more often. There will be no room for improvement.

The Insect Emperor had mixed feelings after hearing this. What was even more ridiculous than Lovell marrying only one female insect was that the name of the insect he wanted to marry was Siolei. Compared with this, Lovell was not even an insect-raising beast. , if you want to raise male insects, the insect emperor will turn a blind eye.

Weilan babbled beside the Insect Emperor: "Father, Daolo is so old and should have married an Insect a long time ago. Not only am I willing to marry him, but I have also given up my position as the female monarch at the request of Luofel."

"Lofel went even further and wanted to interfere with me in disciplining the female insect. I think he did it on purpose. He has always been so bad and has never changed."

"Father, can you go beyond Lovell and give Daolo to me directly? I have wanted him for a long time."

The Insect Emperor's thoughts these days were all on how to assassinate Siolai. He was so busy that he couldn't hear what Weilan was saying.

Why did it happen to be Seyolay!

Recalling that back then, Siolai once sneaked into the palace to see Lovell. Maybe there was a connection between them from then on.

Xiulei himself is the number one killer. He has lived for so many years without any problems. The older the female insect is, the smarter he becomes. Let alone assassinating him, this insect is the best at hiding. The universe is so big that even now he has not even a hair on his head. No trace was found.

The Insect Emperor was afraid that it would be too late. When Lovell really married Siolai, it would be too late to kill him.

"Father, are you listening to me?"

The Insect Emperor hated him so much that he couldn't even eat, and he devalued Siolai into a useless person in his heart. Not to mention that he was much older than Lovell. He had been a killer for many years and had lurked in the homes of other male insects as a plaything. He is a female monarch, he is not even worthy of being a female slave!

The female bug I raised is a bit rebellious [Zerg]Where stories live. Discover now