Chapter 45 Hero

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Mercy was Siolai's pseudonym. When Yachis received Lovell's order and had to rush there immediately, he wanted to stop him, but rationally analyzing Yachis' arrival on time would be worse than not arriving at all.

But Yachus refused to listen. After being rejected by Lovell, in order to control his temper and destructive desire and divert his attention, he allowed Desiolai to make mischief and forced himself not to disturb Lovell for several days. Now he has This is his limit.

Xiulei didn't stop him much, he just let him go and waited for fun.

Little did he know that disaster would befall him first.

Fortunately, he had quite a lot of experience in being wanted and was very confident in his new identity, so he allowed him to be taken away without any panic.

He has received professional training. Veritaserum will make him physically uncomfortable, but it will not affect his sanity. With perfect acting skills, Siolai disguised himself as an innocent, shocked and confused alien businessman.

During Daolo's interrogation, there was no flaw in his argument. Since he did not have time to speak to Yahs, although there were some discrepancies in the testimonies of the two insects, they were still explainable.

After the interrogation was over, Siolai passed the test smoothly, and Daolo was even happier than him. They all saw that Lovell had become more and more interested in Yaches over the years.

If something goes wrong here in Yahus, no one will be able to get over it. Naturally, they hope that Yahus will never fall over.

D'Aolo immediately reported the results to Lovell, feeling relieved and relaxed.

At this time, the strength of the Veritaserum had not yet worn off. Siolai seemed to be in a trance. In fact, his eyes were clear. He seemed to be inadvertently and feebly asked: "Master Luofel, he cares about Yahus very much." ?"


"I'm just a... female insect."

Da'olo was somewhat sympathetic: "The head of the family doesn't care about your gender."

Siolai shook his head: "Yachs will become Lord Lovell's first female attendant."

Daolo's life bug went to get a new set of clean clothes for Xiolai to change into, then turned to Xiolai and said firmly: "No."

Siolai heard this, and as a "friend" he expressed his injustice for Yaches in a long voice: "Why is this like this?"

The male and female have been together for ten years, and Yaches has grown from a larva to a teenager, and he is still innocent. This eliminates the possibility that Lovell is not good, that is, he really has no intention.

It is obvious that Lovell's love for Yaches does not include the desire between male and female, otherwise what should happen would have happened long ago.

Lofel's behavior of occupying Yahs and not treating Yahs as a female insect is excessive in anyone's opinion. Even if we don't talk about emotions and just look at it from a physiological point of view, male insects are extremely attractive to female insects. , and the desire of female insects to reproduce is stronger than that of male insects, so how can the biological instinct be curbed.

But even so, all the insects still think that Lovell should be indulged, and Yaches can only find a way to adapt to it. No matter how difficult it is, he must endure it.

Lovell's mood completely cleared up, and it turned out that it was just a false alarm, and Yahs was still his well-behaved Yahs.

But in order for this kind of thing to happen again, Lovell has to set some rules for Yaches again.

The female bug I raised is a bit rebellious [Zerg]Where stories live. Discover now