38: NO Sanctuary

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Daryl's POV:

God damn it!

What the hell is he going to do to her?

I need to get out of here!

I need to protect her.

After we were shoved into the train car, I was already trying to figure out how to escape from it. My eyes darted all around the dark insides of the place we are stuck in. I immediately went on guard with my fists raised as a shadowed figure approached us.

"Rick?" The voice called out.

Rick tilted his head at the shadowy figure. How does this person know his name?

"You're here." Rick was surprised.

Then I saw him. Glenn. I lowered my fists as I saw everyone he was with. Maggie, Bob and Sasha were also here, along with four new faces. A tall man with red hair. A guy with a mullet, A girl in the shortest shorts I've ever seen, does she realize we're not at a damn club? And a girl that actually does look familiar, why is she familiar?

"They're our friends." Maggie said when she saw me eyeing up all the new faces. "They helped save us."

"Yeah." I commented. "Now they're friends of ours."

"For however long that'll be." The redhead mumbled.

"No." Rick argued. "They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out."

"Find out what?" The red head questioned.

"They're fucking with the wrong people." Rick replied.

I stood back while everyone else hugged and reunited. The only person I care about being reunited with at this moment is my pregnant wife.

The new people all introduced themselves. The tall redhead is Abraham. The guy with the mullet is Eugene, he apparently knows the cure to this whole thing. Sounds like a bunch of bullshit. The girl in the world's shortest shorts is Rosita. The girl who looks familiar, her name is Tara. The reason she looks familiar is because she was with the Governor. I remember Mae calling out to her, asking if she wanted to fight. She didn't

"They seemed nice enough, but I was ready to go. We just got here, but damn. It was time to go." Abraham started. "When I told them about DC, a wink and a nod from the head asshole in charge, they pulled out their guns and it was right back to our regularly scheduled shit storm."

I then heard Sasha's voice. "Before they put you in here, you didn't see Tyreese?"

"No." Michonne answered her.


I was now standing next to Maggie who was asking about Beth. I told her how I was with her sister after the prison, and eventually got separated from her. "A black car with a white cross on it. I tried to follow it. I tried."

"But she's alive?" She asked me.

"She's alive."

Everyone was chatting, while Rick and I were trying to find a way out, or a way to defend ourselves.

"Garreth has Nora doesn't he?" Glenn asked. Rick and I both turned our heads but didn't say anything, that should be enough of an answer for him. "Shit, we gotta get her away from him."

"Yeah, we do." Rick commented.

"Dad?" Carl spoke up while sitting next to Michonne.


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