87: Museum Field Trips

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It has now been a year and a half since the war with Negan officially ended, and a lot has changed. 

Oceanside, the community Tara found, had helped Hilltop during the ending of our war. So they are officially now our allies.

Alexandria is now a thriving community again, or at least that's what I hear. I haven't visited since Dad decided to save Negan and keep him as a prisoner behind the walls of Alexandria. But other than that, the community I used to call home is doing really well.

The Kingdom is also thriving again. They are re-building some things still from the Saviors attack on them, but otherwise they're doing well. And Gwendolyn officially became their 'Queen' after Ezekiel proposed to her, which would officially make me the 'Princess'. I just go along with it, even though the very last thing I am is a princess. Well, except to Daryl, I'll always be his princess.

Daryl and I were living at the Sanctuary for a while, but I couldn't live there anymore. This last year has been rough. Daryl is still at the Sanctuary while I'm not. He's been trying to find someone to take over for him there since he's been the one leading them, but has had zero luck so far. I offered to stay with him, but he told me to take the kids and go, knowing  how much I hated being there.

I've been living at Hilltop, and I've been helping Maggie run this place. We recently had an election, that Gregory insisted on, and Maggie won by a landslide. However it was also mentioned that I am Maggie's second in command. Which means if she's not here or if something happens to her, I have to lead the people. Gregory didn't like the fact that either of us took his power away from him. But what is he gonna do about it? Kill us? I'd like to see him try.

Maggie and Glenn had their baby. Both of them thought they were having a little girl, but little Hershel Rhee decided to surprise the world by shooting out of his mother as a bouncing baby boy. 

Speaking of little baby boys, that is not what Sophia and Carl had. Just like Maggie and Glenn, The teenage couple got the opposite gender baby that they thought they were gonna get. They even had a name picked out for a little boy, but when their daughter arrived, they needed to think of a different name, because 'Matthew' was not going to work for their sweet baby girl. So instead they decided on Maisie Grimes.

A few people from all of our communities went on a run in the city. We were going to a museum to find a bunch of things that could help all of us in the future. I traveled to the city in a small horse drawn wagon with Maggie, Glenn, Enid, Seb, and a few other people from the Hilltop.

When we got to the Museum I jumped out of the wagon and ran over to Daryl who was with Merle and Jane. It's been a few weeks since I have seen him, and I miss him. Not seeing him every day has been rough. It's been a year since I left him at the Sanctuary, and we only see each other every few weeks, or sometimes even a month.

After hugging Daryl, I got on my tiptoes to kiss him. I know he's not a huge fan of PDA, but it's something he'll need to put up with since we barely ever see each other anymore.

"I miss you." I told him as we started walking towards the entrance to the Museum.

"I miss ya too, Princess." He said before he looked over in Seb and Enid's direction. "The hell is the boy here for?"

"Wow, Dad. Nice to see you too." Sebastian groaned when he heard his father's comment. "I'm here, 'cause Enid's here. Where she goes, I go."

Daryl didn't love how Sebastian came into the city with us, but he knows that our kid knows how to handle himself.

When we entered the museum and sweeped the place, we saw that this place was once used as a camp for some group. There were tents and sleeping bags all over the place, and some of the tents were trampled, letting us know nobody has been here in a long time.

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