104: Watch Their Hands

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of my children arguing once again. I sighed to myself as I sat up, wondering why they can't learn to get along for five minutes. I mean they shared a womb for nine months, if they can share an area that tight with each other for that long, they can get along for five minutes.

"Why are you so rude!?" Avalon screamed at Theodore. "You're always like this!"

"I'm not bein' rude." Theo replied with a straight face. "Just statin' facts."

"No, you're being rude." Avalon pouted. "If I'm ugly, what does that make you? We're twins!"

"Not identical..."

I'm honestly wondering if I want to get in the middle of their insane argument. They need to learn how to solve their issues themselves.

Siddiq soon sat next to me and handed me an apple so I could eat something before we continue our journey to Hilltop. I laid my head down on his shoulder trying to drown out the sound of the twins bickering.

He leaned his head on mine before whispering to me. "How are you feeling?"

"Emotionally or physically?"


"Physically, I'm okay. My wrist hurts a little, but that's my fault." I whispered back to him while frowning. "Emotionally. I don't know. Better than last night."

"You want to talk about what triggered it?" He asked me.

"Not here." I shook my head. "We can talk about it at my next therapy session, alright?" Even though Siddiq and I are dating and practically live together, we decided that it would be best to continue the therapy sessions like we were before. He had suggested it so that I had a time and place to meet up and worry solely about myself for an hour without any distractions.

"Okay." He took his head off of mine and then planted a kiss on the side of my forehead. 

The sound of the twins still arguing was still filling the air making both Siddiq and I groan. I finally asked him, "Do you know what they're arguing about?"

"Something stupid..." Siddiq said. "I'm just guessing though, I don't really know."

"Then how do you know it's stupid?" I laughed.

"'Cause I've woken up to these ridiculous arguments enough times." He informed me while looking down at me and smirking. 

"Should I let this play out, or should I intervene?" I asked him curious as to what his opinion is. He was about to respond when we watched Avalon tackle Theo. No punches had been thrown yet, and I was glad. "I guess I'm intervening." I told Siddiq as we both stood up and made our way over to my now wrestling twins.

I grabbed Avalon by her shirt when she lifted her first in the air like she was going to punch her brother in the face. Avalon growled at me as I pulled her off of Theo and got in between them. "What the hell is going on with you two now?" I asked them.

"He's selfish!"

"I'm selfish!?"  Theo snarled at his twin sister. "You might wanna get a mirror."

I groaned again and looked over at Michonne as I heard her chuckling at the twins dispute. I then spoke to her. "I remember when I found out I was having twins. I was so excited. Nervous, but excited. Everyone else was thrilled too." I then shook my head. "But now... Well...." I glanced at my twins for a moment who are just glaring at each other. "Twins... I don't recommend anyone has them."

"You could always return them to the sender." Yumiko offered humorously.

"Yeah, but that would mean I'd have to shove them back up Daryl's dick." I groaned. "And I think they're a little too big for that now."

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