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Today the four young women were heading back home for the start of the new semester. Lena and Kara were on the jet, while Alex and Andrea were in the car heading back. "Heres to another excellent summer in the books!" Lena said as she sat down in a seat next to Kara. "Yes! And next summer we'll be celebrating your graduation!" Kara said smiling. "Yes, and then you'll graduate and we can get married." Lena said smiling. "That's right! We'll be Mrs. And Mrs. Danvers-Luthor." Kara said.  Lena smiles. "That's right!" Lena replied as the jet leveled out.

A few hours later they were back in their mansion relaxing on the sofa. "When do you have to go back to school for soccer?" Lena asked. "I have two more days to relax." Kara replied smiling. "Good...that means we can 'kiss' that...and some of this 'kiss'...and we have two whole days to do that." Lena said. "Yes Lee." Kara replied as they continued to cuddle. They remained there for a little while longer before they headed to the dining room for dinner.

"Have a good summer Lucinda?" Lena asked. "Yes. It was really nice to go away with the family. How was yours girls?" Lucinda asked. "It was amazing! Absolutely amazing!" Kara gushed. "Yes, this summer was amazing." Lena said in agreement. "I'm glad you two had a nice summer. Are you ready to graduate this year?" Lucinda asked looking at Lena. "Yes...Eliza's planning a graduation party for Alex, Andrea, and I next summer at her house. So that's taken care of." Lena said. "And next summer after I graduate, Lena and I will be getting married." Kara added.

"Oh? That's wonderful!" Lucinda said smiling. "Yea. We can't wait! It's gonna be amazing!" Lena said.

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