Chapter 40

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Anger flowing all over his body, his mind is on fire, all he sees is red. Damon looks murderous as he leaves her company, driving like a maniac.

"What's up?" Asked William on the phone as Damon reached him out. "Find me Brian Huxley's address now." He doesn't seem nice as his voice may seem calm but he's planning on killing him now.

"On it, gimme a sec." He said and typed on his laptop. "From where you are right now to his villa, that's gonna be forty minutes away." He said. "Great, meet me there." And Damon hung up, turning his wheel on the left road.

A minute later, he arrived at his villa. He walk out of his car straight forward walking towards the front door of his as William and Theo were ready to back him up and take the guards down.

"Hey! Who are you?! You're trespassing, you know that." One of his guards said aggressively as I didn't care. I walked straight without stopping as I'm confident in my men to take care of them all as I deal with this cunt.

"What- what the, are you one of Mr. Huxley's business partner?" Said his maid as Brian was just getting down from the stairs.

I took a few steps up, as my body just acted on its own and punched him left to right a few times letting my anger out as he fell backwards. He grunted in pain, trying to fight back but all that effort was just in vain.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" He yelled as his nose and lips were busted and bleeding. "Mr. Huxley." Said one of his maids as they were looking at us worriedly.

I grabbed his collar on my hand walking down the stairs, pinning him on the wall as my forearm pressed his throat. "Going to my wife's company and demanding for her to talk in private and hurting her was the last thing you wanna do!"

"Maybe my looks aren't that scary huh? Well let's make it more threatable, come to my wife's company, look for her again and fucking touch her again even a single strand of her hair, I will kill you myself. I don't care whatever it takes, I don't care wherever small hole you hide, I will find you myself and let you feel the pain in every single part of your body."

"And for you to question her, why did she marry me? And why didn't she tell you? Why? Why does she have to inform you with her life and decisions she makes? You're not her boyfriend anymore. And why would you wanna know about everything that isn't your business!"

"She moved on and the universe granted her a better life and a better partner more than her ex who fuck around and wasted an innocent sunshine for some whore you just fucking met on your trip!" My forearms are tightening on his throat as he is struggling to breath.

Blood flowing down my arm calling from his lips and nose as I can feel my anger rising every single second. Thinking about what he did to my wife makes me explode like a nuclear bomb.

"I don't even know what hell you're talking about!" He yelled as my eyes' vision became more red to the reddest of them all.

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