Chapter 53

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I woke up with my husband's mozzarella stick still inside me as I can still feel it hard. Is this really how it works on men's bodies? How long does it stay hard like that? I don't even know if there's a way to make it back to its normal state.

I turn my head on my side where Damon is so cuddled up on me sleeping so peacefully. I place my left palm on his right cheek trying to wake him up slowly so that I can't just startle him.

"Morning, handsome." I greeted with my weird husky voice. He then smiled whilst his eyes were still closed. Haha he's trying to be cute.

"One more minute." He replied and hugged me tighter. "We have to get ready, Hon. we have a flight to catch." I said as he groaned.

"Fine... but where's my morning kiss?" He asked as I chuckled. He got up a little as I felt his dick move and harden even more inside me.


"D-don't move an inch." I mumbled as I was trying to control myself not to lose. "Huh? What were you trying to say?" He said as he kept moving, trying to look at my face as I'm holding his shoulder.


My toes curled as I let out a muffled moan. "Are you doing this on purpose?" I whispered as he smirked. "Sorry, it was fun teasing you." He said as he kissed me. "Do you want me to take it out?" He questioned.

I nodded my head not letting a moan come out from my mouth. He deliberately took me out as I felt some relief but I for sure felt some dripping from my sunflower.

"I gotta take a shower, I feel sticky down there." I turn my whole body straight as now I'm facing Damon. "No need, I'll clean you up." He then snuck under the blanket reaching my wet pussy.

He sucked me roughly as I ached my back, crumbling my pillow, closing my eyes and moaning. He's eating me like he was eating some lava cake. He sucked my clit that shook my entire body. He played his tongue all over my cunt and he hardened his tongue and poke it inside my hole. My body's emerging like I wanted to explode.


I bit my lower lip as I can't hold it but to touch his head outside the blanket, pushing it more down to my pussy.

Ahhhh.... Yes! Damon...

I moan and moan his name as I'm getting turned on. As he was sucking and playing with my clit I felt his two fingers snuck inside my hole when I tried to push his head. It just made my whole body tingled like I don't have any energy.

My mind is going blank right now as he pushes his fingers in and out and minutes of doing it slowly, he moves hastily. Fuck I'm gonna cum so early in the morning.

Uggghh.... Da-damon... slow-slower.... I'm gonna cu-cum.

I said as my whole body can't take the little pleasure anymore. A minute later, I felt my juices out and I think I cum in his face.

I lifted the blanket to check on him and crap, I did cum on his face. "Why didn't you stop sucking me when you knew I was about to cum?" I asked as I handed him a tissue. "Why should I? It's my breakfast, I can't avoid my sweet delightful breakfast." He then wiped his face.

"I hate you." I said, pouting my lips as I'm sitting. "I love you more." He twisted his words as I can't help but to blush.

"C'mon let's go shower so we can come down and get ready to leave." He said as he gave me our bathrobes and went straight to the shower room.

Don't forget to-

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