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He insisted on being in a team with you, together with Changbin and Hyunjin. You have lost both of them already und the first minutes. Hyunjin were trying to escape Seungmin and Changbin trying to hit Seungmin. You can hear them dramatically scream at the other side of the hall, especially Hyunjin.
And now you are standing back to back with your boyfriend, who is totally stressed out whit the decision of the next steps.
"What about you go this way and I take this?" You sign in two different directions.
"What about we go together?" You shake your head. "We would end like Hyunjin and Changbin. And then we would definitely loose."
"Okay, you are right." You can hear the worry in his next words. "Be careful. I guess, Lee Know will aim at you."
"NO KISSING IN THE GAME!" You can hear Han shouting across the hall, when Chan gives you a kiss on the cheek. "Guess who is next." Chan mumbles and you chuckle, not really sorry for Han.


„That's not fair!" You pout but Hyunjin shakes his head. „You need to do it. For the team."
„He has knocked me out the last two rounds. Why do you think it's a good idea to let me be the lure?" You point to the colorful spots along your clothing.
„I'm sure he will hesitate this time. And that's the chance for us."
You sigh deeply. „You own me something. There are a lot of bruises on me thanks to your ‚I'm sure this time'."
He pats your back just to shove you out of the hiding place in the next second.
„Really?" You hear Minho say, after you take a few steps around. „It's Hyunjins idea again, right?"
You turn to your left to face him and shrug the shoulders. „You could let me go just one time?"
He blinks two times, then he shakes his head. „Sorry, jagi. That's not how to play the game."
Before you could even think about grab your own stuff and aim at him, he hits you on the thigh.
Ouch." You mumble and a short moment of softness hits him. He cubs your cheek and give you a kiss on the nose. „Don't be mad at me. I make it up to you at home."
„I hope so." You response and can see how Hyunjin and Changbin sneak past a good distance away.


You shrug when you hear Changbins loud voice calling for you.
"He knows that he could easily win if he would just sneak up quietly, right?" You laugh shortly at Minhos words but shrug your shoulders.
"Maybe it's part of his plan?" You say and peek over the edge of your hiding place.
"Nah, I think he wants to play just with you. Go ahead and do your job." He grins and pats your shoulder before he disappears around the next corner.  Fine, you think and take the way his previous shout leads you. You are not even that good at paintball that you could do anything other than distract the others. And maybe it's time for your boyfriend to get catch.
"Here you are." You shrug again, Changbins voice behind you. You can hear the smirk on his lips and when you turn around, he grins even wider.
"It was not very difficult to find you." You raise your hands in surrender. "But it looks like you were faster."
"Obviously." He comes closer and crosses his arms in front of his chest. "And what am I supposed to do with you? You know, you are the enemy this time."
"Yeah, but maybe you can be merciful." You try an innocent smile just to giggle when he wraps an arm around your waist. He leans down to kiss you, but gets interrupted from Minho behind him.
"No fraternization with the enemy!" he shouts and you hear Changbin groan, as the paint hits him.
"I'm sorry." You give him a kiss on his cheek. "But never trust the enemy, you know?"


"Go, go, go!" Hyunjin gives you a push in the back and you follow his order. With quick steps you try to cross the unprotected area in front of you, your boyfriend close behind you.
You feel your heart pound due to the adrenaline of this game. Relieved, you let yourself fall behind a half-high wall. "This is more exhausting than I thought."
Hyunjin sits down next to you. "Just because Lee Know and Seungmin are chasing us."
"Maybe we should separate?"
"Yeah, cause we both know they will follow only me, right?"
"No." You smile innocently at him while he just gives you a side eye, concerned about the others.
"Nice try." He stands up and pulls you with him.
"Ouh!" He whines as he gets hit in the shoulder and he goes down again, you do the same surprised. He curses lightly before looking at you regretfully, accompanied by Lee Know and Seungmin cheering loudly somewhere. "I am hit."
You roll your eyes because of the obvious statement. But you must smile when he takes your hand and lies down on the floor dramatically. "Go without me. Leave me behind and save yourself."
"Yes, I need to. We both know we would lose if I stayed."
"Just remember me." You giggle when he makes rasping noises. "Promise me that you will never forget me."


„Oh no!" Jisung whines loudly and frustrated. „Why me again? I'm your boyfriend, you should be nice to me!"
You try to stiffle your laugh but it breaks out of you unintentionally. „It's your own fault! You wanted to team up with Lee Know and Chan. You have rigorously rejected to be in my team."
He looks in your direction, definitely sulking due to your words. „You have never told me that you are this good."
You shrug your shoulders and smile wide at him, amused about his miscalculation. „You have never asked."
He pouts and you feel bad for a second. But then you remember that you and your team has to find Lee Know and Chan to win. And if you have to guess, Lee Know will not be far away from your boyfriend.
„Don't be mad at me." You pleas. „We can finally be in a team next round."
Before he can answer, you come up to him and surprise him with a kiss on his lips. He just stares at you, caught off guard. You playfully wink at him and decide to go the way he has come. You hear him whines your name again but ignore him to search for the rest of his team.


You rush around the next corner, looking for signs where the other team is. Already five minutes in the game, you have lost Jisung and Jeongin, fighting for yourself now. And you are not that happy, your fight-or-floe-instinct gets the best of you. It has reasons you won't play some video games with Felix.
You hide behind a wall, sinking on your knees, thinking what to do next. The screams across the area sounds as if Jisung has found Hyunjin. Or the other way around.
„Baby, that's not how to play." You look up, right into Felix' face. „Where are the others?"
„I'm pretty sure you shouldn't help me." You response and he sighs.
„But I can't keep watching you hiding. You have no fun, right?"
You try to smile because you know how excited he were to play. „I'm fine, really."
„Yongbok!" You hear Lee Know scream. „What are you doing? Not our team means enemy!"
Felix grabs your arm und pulls you up, hurry to drag you around the next corner.
„Okay, I'm not good with this but I'm sure that's not how to play." You say surprised. He smiles while he looks for an escape. „Then we change the rules. Could be funny."


„Do we agree that it's a good idea to give the guys the possibility to shoot someone?" You eyes Jisung and Hyunjin, who played around like always.
„It's just paint. More than a few bruises won't happen. Just trust us." You raise an eyebrow, silently asking Seungmin if he is sure about that.
He rolls his eyes and tightens the strap of your vest.
„I'm just worried. You know how clumsy you all can be." You shrug your shoulders and feel his hand wrap around your waist.
„Worried about you getting hurt or us?" He smiles amused and you grin back. „Mostly I am worried about them hurting themselves."
„Oi!" Changbin shouts from the sides and eyes you provocative. „We can hear you! And you will see how clumsy we are!"
„Ah, I shouldn't have said anything." You sigh quietly. With discomfort you watch as Changbin walks over to Chan and Felix, his intention obvious.
„Your fault." Seungmin chuckles next to you.
„You won't protect me, right?"
„I guess I don't want to be in the same team as you."
You give him a punch to the shoulder and detach yourself from him to go to Lee Know to form a team.

„I'm sure his voice came from the right." You face your boyfriend and cross your arms in front of your chest. The discussion about which way to take already too long for this type of game.
„I thought it was in this direction." He points his hand to a slightly more left direction than you before. Just that it would lead you to an unshielded place.
„Really? I could have sworn-" You get interrupted by Seungmin.
„Really, guys? Is it important? You go this way and Innie the other. Less talking, more doing."
You exchange a look with Jeongin. „Sounds good for me."
„Yeah, we will see who was right."
Seungmin sighs dramatically. „I can't believe that the others hasn't found us yet. You two should really stop debating and start playing to see who is better."
„Really good idea." Jeongin smirk at you. „The first who caught Chan or Lee Know will win?"
„Deal!" You give each other a kiss as if to seal it, then you both walk in the directions indicated. Seungmin watches you, shaking his head, not really getting how you two can make a game between teams to a game against each other.

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