Flowers (Valentine's Special)

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You grab the bowl of popcorn from the coffee table and sit down on the couch. You place the bowl on your lap and lean back, getting comfortable and taking the remote control. After Chan has decided to work late like the last days, you have decided to spend this Valentine's Day as lazy as possible. You can't blame your boyfriend to forget about this day, it's just an ordinary Wednesday for him, and you don't make a big deal of the day yourself. Nevertheless, you would have liked him to take a break from his usually stress and long evenings, at least for this evening. But you didn't want to force him, so you didn't say anything in the morning.

You just want to start the movie you have chosen when you suddenly hear the opening of the appartement door. You turn around surprised and try to peek over the back of the couch into the hallway. A few seconds later, after some sounds of rumbling, Chan steps into the living room. He smiles widely at you as soon as he spots you on the couch.

You just stare at him while he comes closer and leans with his hip against the couch back. He pulls his hand from behind his back, together with a cutely wrapped red rose.

"Happy Valentine's Day" He mumbles lowly and holds out the rose to you.

"You thought of it?" You ask surprised, taking the rose carefully. "Thank you, really."

He leans closer to press a soft kiss on your forehead. "I like to take every opportunity to surprise you."

"You have." You reply, watching how he goes to the kitchen. He comes back with a vase, holding it to you so you can put the rose into it and placing it on the coffee table.

"So, which movie are we going to watch?" He takes a look at the TV, nods and sits down next to you.

"Is it fine to you?" You ask and his only reply is his arm, wrapping around you and pulling you closer until you are fully cuddled up to him. You feel his breath in your hair before he presses another peck on your crest as you start the movie.


You hold your phone closer to the purring cat, laughing while Doongie leans against your other hand to demand more stroking from you.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" You say and hear Minhos laugh from your phone, amused about the close-up. You take a few seconds more to pet him and let Minho watch it before you turn the camera of the phone around, seeing his smiling face on the display.

"How many treats did you have to give him to make him love you so much?" He asks and you pout instantly, continuing petting the cat.

"I have a charming personality, it didn't take many." You reply and ignore his crooked grin. "You should know that, you're completely addicted to me."

"I'm not so sure right now. You've called me to wish me a happy Valentine's Day, not the other way around. Aren't you sure you've fallen hard for me?"

"He!" You point at him. "You texted me this morning about the time I can call."

"Well, another point for me that you followed it." He cheekily smiles at you when you just roll your eyes.

"I thought I'd take the opportunity that you can see your three kids, while you're in Japan. But if you just want to annoy me, I can also-"

"Jagi, wait!" He interrupts you, and you grin about the slight panic in his voice. He catches your expression with a deep sigh, knowing he has fallen for your acting.

"Fine, you're right." He admits and his smile returns. "But now do me a favor. Go to your nightstand and open the bottom drawer."

"Why?" You stand up to follow his request, Doongi commenting on your moving with a loud mewing.

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