Crush on Hyunjin - Part 1

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You sit behind the cash counter, a book in your hands. The art shop is empty, no customers at the moment, but it is a Wednesday and also lunchtime.

The shop belongs to your parents and you work here on the days when you have no lectures at the university. You use the time, when nobody wants an advice or to pay, to read. Mostly some romantic, cheesy love story, but you like these kinds of books.

You hear the sound of the automatic opening door, looking up and eyeing the guy. He wears a cap and a face mask, hiding behind a big scarf. You can't say if you know him or not, but you greet him with a friendly 'Welcome' and look back into your book. You have made the experience that the most customer asks when they need help right away, and otherwise you let them look first until you notice if they are helpless or not.

You hear the footsteps coming closer to you and close the book in the same moment, your counterpart starts talking.

"What a nice welcome, really." You pull up your head and stares at him when you recognize the voice.

"Hyunjin?" You ask unsure, because he has told you, he would have time to come to the store a few days later after they would be back in Korea. He nods, take the mask and the cap off and smiles widely to you.

You feel your heart pound in your chest. You jump of the high chair and rush around the counter. You take a quick look around, to be sure that nobody is watching you, but the store and the windows around are empty. Then you wrap your arms around his waist, his waiting arms already around your shoulders.

"This is more the welcome I had in mind." He whispers and you can hear the smile in his voice.

"Well, you could have text me that you want to come." You reply and burry your face in his shoulder, trying to hug him as long as possible. Although it feels like he doesn't want to let you go this quickly either.

"I wanted to surprise you."

"You have succeeded. I didn't recognize you with your outfit. How much time do you have? Can we do something together?"

He chuckles lowly and you feel the shiver running down your spine. "I thought, we could meet later again when you close the store. In two hours, right?"

"Yes! What do you wanna do?" You can't stop your voice from sounding excited with the prospect of spending time together.

"Let me surprise you again. I have a great idea." He releases himself from the embrace and you smile at each other. You nod to his suggestion. He smiles wider and turn around, you watch him going back to the door. He stops before he leaves and turns around again. When he noticed that you looked after him, he grins. "Let's call it a date, okay? I will be back here in two hours."

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