misunderstanding - Chan (1)

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You look around in the apartment you share with your husband, still feeling overwhelmed what happened two months ago.

It was a strange arrangement between your parents with his own parents and his entertainment. His band should benefit from the connection to the company of your father and otherwise. And before you could even understand what your mother have tried to explain to you, you stand here, with a ring on your finger. And a husband that prefers to ignore you.

You haven't met him since the way too big, too pompous wedding, unless you count the short meetings in the kitchen or bedroom. But he hasn't really talked to you in this situations, nothing more than a nod as a greeting.

The apartment still feels pretty empty, he hasn't put any personal stuff around. And you didn't dare to put yours anywhere. The only room you have spread out in is your small office. You have converted it into an art studio, full of canvases and colors.

While you study online business studies to soothe your dad, art is your true passion. But you haven't told it your father, who plans for you to take over his position at some point. You just try to gather enough confidence and courage to tell him sometime.

You snap back to reality when the bell rings. You were on the way to the kitchen to renew the water glass and wash out the brushes. You look around for a place to put down the stuff in your hands, but you don't want to ruin the interior. And you really don't want to cause any trouble with Chan if you ruin something.

Maybe a neighbor, you think and walk to the door, the glass and brushes still in your hands. But you freeze and blink surprised when some of the boys stand in front of you. The last time you have met Chans band members, was the wedding day. And you can't say that they were very happy with the whole situation.

"Hi" Felix is the only one of them who smiles at you. He and Changbin were also the only one who has talked to you on the big day. "Chan has said it is okay when we come here without him. He and the others will come as soon as they are ready with the last lyrics."

You didn't even know that they would come to the apartment. But how could Chan inform you about it when he avoids you as soon as you are near him.

"Yeah, sure" You finally answer and step away to let them in. "Come in. You can sit down in the living room."

You walk to the kitchen to put the stuff in the sink while you hear the others quietly talking in the living room. You sigh, feeling nervous in this situation. You know what they think about the marriage and you completely understand their worries. But there was nothing you could do about it and obviously Chan couldn't either.

"Would you like something to drink?" You ask when you enter the living room and they stare at you for a moment. "Or something to eat? I'm sure there are some snacks in the fridge."

"That's nice, but the others wanted to get something on the way." Felix explains and you nod understanding.

"Do you paint?" Felix points down on you and just now you remember the wide shorts and the white shirt you are wearing, and that they are stained with paint.

"Yeah, sometimes." You reply hesitant and feel uncomfortable. Before you can think again, you ask if it is okay if you go back in your office and let them alone in the living room. It is rude, you know it, but you aren't good with small talk, especially when it feels forced like this. Felix smiles reassuring and the others lightly too, so you apologize and go back to the safe space between your canvases.

It is not even an hour later, when you hear the voices of the others and how they sit loudly together. For a moment you think about the fantasy you have on the wedding day – if Chan and you would get along, you could sit between them, talking normally with them, having a normal relationship with your husband. But it feels so unlikely since he's been ignoring you.

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