Crush on Han - Part 1

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You stand in front of the door to the dance studio. It is not the first time you have come to the room and it is not the first time you meet some of the guys from Stray Kids. But you feel still nervous, even though there is no reason to be. They just need help with the connection between laptop and sound system. And you are the only one in the IT at the moment, so you had to go. You have already helped them a few times, not knowing much about them due to your lack of interest in music, but they were really nice and polite to you, so you wanted to know more about them. And now you are standing here, nervous because of your stalking as if they could know you have googled them.

You shake your head to find your composure again and finally knock on the door. You open it after a short reply and were met with all of them. It looks like they would use the involuntary stop as a break to relax.

"Hi, you need some help with the sound system?" You ask into the room, not sure to who you talk especially.

"Yes, it hasn't work suddenly. We came here 20 minutes ago and try what we could."

You nod understanding and follow Chan to the laptop. You kneel in front of it to click through the menu, to find out whether it is a problem with the laptop or with the sound system. When you can't find an issue, you look up to the speakers near the ceiling. A cable goes from them, behind the half-height shelf and up to a hole in the shelf to the laptop.

"Nothing wrong with the laptop?" You flinch a little with the voice right behind you and turn around.

Jisung looks down at you with a curios face expression.

"Might be the cable." You answer, your heart pounding faster while he eyes you.

"Oh yeah, the ball!" You both turn around to the others. Felix looks thoughtful to the speakers. "I think, we hit one of the speakers last time with the ball."
"What ball?" Chan asks, with the same confusion you feel about this.

While Felix explains it to his leader, you look up again, estimating if the shelf could hold your weight and if you could reach the speaker.

"You think this is a good idea?" Jisung asks as if he had read your mind when you get rid of your shoes. You shrug your shoulders. "It is the only way I can reach it. It would be even more difficult with a ladder."

So you climb on the shelf, carefully to test if it is stable enough. And suddenly you have the attention from all, coming closer. "What did they tell you here about safety at work?" Jisung asks and his voice sounds half worried, half amused.

You look over your shoulder to him. He is standing almost directly behind you, watching what you are doing, one hand held up like he will grab you if you stumble. "I guess I didn't listen well enough."

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